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Investigators Name: Natasha Boyarova
Description: Roughly 5'4" Natasha is a beautiful woman, few women can compete with her appearance, her quiet smooth grace, he impeccable taste, or her alluring Russian accent. She has a lithe frame, with lustrous brown hair cut perfectly according to local fashion, dark green eyes, and perfect aristocratic features. She looks in every way like the refined Russian noblewoman. |
Born in St. Petersburg on the third of February in 1898 Natasha was the second child of a rich and powerful Russian noble family. She was left mostly in the care of servants, but she was never the less doted on by a multitude of servants hired for that very purpose. Her earliest childhood consisted mainly of nurses, nannies and other employed servants with the odd feature of being shown to her family. Her younger brother was born in 1900, and after that the interest in Natasha dwindled even further. Her earliest memories are of being dressed up before she would meet her mother for a hour or two, before being ushered away, she lacked nothing but had very few friends (mostly other children of noble families).
Her earliest truly vivid memories is of the time of Russo-Japanese war, her older brother died in the fighting much to her fathers anger. Then she was taken back to the family's estate to be safe, as they drove away she could hear shooting in the distance as Tsarist troops attacked the evil strikers and communists that had been rebelling. She remembers her father being furious that the Tsar had given in to the workers and signed that disgusting October Manifest. During this period he began to invest in foreign countries, and stash away money in various places as to have a nest egg in case something went very wrong in Russia.
As she grew up she received private tutoring to turn her into a perfect lady, and a perfect wife. This was the only life that she had ever known, and at first she saw no reason to object much to it. However she was quite intelligent and head strong, and when puberty struck she became quite an adventurous girl, she liked riding, shooting, even serious studies appealed to her. Needless to say neither her father nor her mother approved of this, and they did quite a lot to stop her, and in the end Natasha gave in (or rather she became more discrete).
Back in St. Petersburg she became a radiant beauty, and quite sought after by the young nobles (she never bothered to even look at commoners, no matter how dashing or rugged they appeared). She also became involved in the Russian court, which after Stolypins death became more and more irresponsible as Rasputin gained more and more power. During this period she became drawn to Rasputin, a rather disreputable figure, but one dearly loved by the Tsarina. Her father was quite concerned about her behaviour and sent her off to live on the family estate again.
When the war broke out Natasha was sent to French language school in Switzerland, supposedly to give her a proper education, but also to keep her away from improper elements (this was a girls only school). As the war got worse her father started reaping the benefits of his investments, and he transferred large amounts of money to Switzerland to avoid interference from Russian authorities. During this period Natasha would occasionally act as his agent, despite his strict views on the woman's place he decided that he would rather trust his own flesh and blood rather than some stranger. This meant that Natasha would have nearly total access to her fathers accounts and businesses. Other than this little benefit this period was unbelievably dull to Natasha, she never quite got the hang of French, and although she had a lot of money she never managed to become one of the really popular girls. Still during this period she learned a lot about the pitfalls of modern life, mostly from gossip, but also from warnings from her family.
Then it came, the Russian revolution, her mother and sickly younger brother were sent to Switzerland from Russia, both of them contracted pneumonia from the hard travel and died. Natasha's father, completely heartbroken, remained behind in Russia to help fight in the White Russian army and bring an end to the Communist menace. His letters to Natasha grew more and more hateful in regard to the communists, and as he grew to trust her more, and any servants less she gained more and more control over her fathers business. When she learned of the death of the Tsar family she was heartbroken, and that is when she left the school and started working on her own.
As the Great War ended Natasha's war continued, she helped organise support convoys to the White's, she helped with a great many things, and she grew to truly hate the communists. It was during this period that she learned English, as she worked with both British and American organisations. However she did realise that the struggle was probably in vain, and when she got a chance to help evacuate Icons, jewellery and such from Russia she eagerly took it, both to help enrich herself, but also to keep it out of the hands of the communists.
Finally in 1920 Natasha's father died, and so did the White Russian movement. Natasha gave most of her money away to the Cause, whatever remained of it, and then used the rest to go to America, she wanted to get as far away from Russia as at all possible. In America she became a socialite, a dilettante, and travelled up and down the country looking for something to do, or just plain looking for fun. However her staunch anti-Communist views and her previous actions had made her several friends, she had no problems becoming a citizen, and has enough resources to do just about anything she finds interesting.
Income and Savings:
Income: $200 000
Cash on Hand: $100 000
Savings: $100 000 in stocks and bonds.
Total Assets: $5 000 000
Personal Property:
Large library (sadly mundane though)
Collection of Russian Orthodox Icons
Extensive wardrobe
Real Estate:
Mansion outside Boston
Mansion outside Paris
Penthouse in New York
Mansion in Los Angeles
Vinyard in Southern France
Large farm in the mid-west