Slade, Exorcist
Born 30 years ago in Cambridge, MA, Stuart is the son of a medical doctor, Dr. William C. Slade, M.D, and his wife Katherine.
His mother died under mysterious circumstances when Stuart was seven. No one has told him the details of what happen, only that it was so bizarre and so horrible that they did not even want to think about it. His father developed a severe fear of the dark from the experience and still refuses to talk about it. Stuart’s only recollection of her death was that it was not normal, but rather supernatural. This is where is first interest in the Occult began, namely trying to understand what had happen to his mother. Stuart would in addition to his schooling and his chores, spend a hour or more each day, in the depths of the local library researching the supernatural. His interest soared as he gathered more and more information.
At the age of twelve, Stu, as his friends called him, heard about a house that some people claimed was haunted. His curiosity led him to sneaking into the house and looking for the ghost. After a few minutes of searching he seemed to feel an odd sensation. He followed its lead and went down into the dirt basement. The sensation was much stronger down there. Stu watched for a few minutes and an apparition appeared and demanded retribution. Stu tried to talk to it, but it just repeated in demand over and over again. He tried to persuade it to listen to him but he was not able. He left wondering what he could do to get it to communicate. His research took a new turn. He searched for answers to this dilemma wherever he could find them. He learnt that a good part of it was the strength of his will and determination and how much force (energy) he put into it. After a couple of months, he returned to the ghost and out of pure willpower was able to find out the ghost’s story. Two years ago, the ghost, still living at the time, was brutally beaten to death and was buried in the floor of the basement. His murder walked free and unhindered. The ghost wanted revenge. Stu located the spot where the bones where buried. He marked it. He then arranged from the police to here a rumor about the body buried there. They followed up found the body, and a clue to the killer. Stu went to the investigator in charge of the investigation and told him what he knew. The investigator first had difficulty believing him but as Stu got more into the details, he came around to realize that maybe Stu knew what he was talking about. After hearing the tale, he warned Stu not to talk about it to anybody and in the future to be very careful about whom he revealed such things to. Stu understood that the majority of the people in the world would not understand. With the added knowledge the murder was caught and convicted.
At the age of fourteen, one of his professors at the university recommended to Stu that he join them on their upcoming dig in Mexico excavating ruins of the Aztec civilization as it would be a good learning experience. With his father’s permission, he joined the expedition as an assistant to the professor. He prepared for it with long hours reviewing and learning what had been learnt about the Aztec civilization in the past. In addition, he learned some Spanish, so that he could function in Mexico. The expedition was an eye-opener for Stuart. He came to understand the different levels of human existence dealing with the poor Spanish culture near the dig site, to realize that the occult came in many different forms in different areas. The Aztec occult was nothing like the occult had read about in the United States. He learnt the different myths and different legends as he worked on unearthing the ruins. He had a few encounters with the supernatural that scared him totally and to his surprise, on one of them, when he had had enough and reacted forcefully and told the being to “Be Gone”, it did so. This was his first exorcism. When it happened again, he tried to exorcise it and failed; it attacked him, and only by fleeing at full speed did he survive. From this point, he resolved to be able to better protect himself. He started carrying a small knife and a revolver.
Stu continued to grow and learn. He practiced with the revolver becoming a fairly good shot. He received his first degree at age 18, a B.A. in psychology from Boston University. He continued on to receive an M.A. in psychology and a Ph.D. (at 22) in Parapsychology from there as well with his thesis on an holistic approach to the occult including an examination of the essential similarities and differences in the different forms of the occult.
During the World War, because of his expertise he remained a civilian, but consulted with the military on paranormal events. After the war, the military periodically asks for his service on very unusual cases.
Stuart opened an office in this city (the starting city) as a parapsychologist with an emphasis on exorcisms under the more mundane cover of an investigator, and arranged to teach part-time at the university as well.
As part of his occult knowledge, he learnt that some supernatural entities were more vulnerable to special substances, such as silver, holy water, virgin tears, etc., so he worked with a open-minded gunsmith to get special bullets made incorporating the substances. He has an elaborate gun belt, containing color-coded bullets made from a range and combinations of substances. He has a large box of ammo contained a much wider range of combinations which he keeps in his office. He tries to customize his bullets to the job at hand.
He has had many clients, ranging from the simple poor to the elite to the clergy. Sometimes, it is a matter of listening and understanding. Sometimes, it is a matter of investigating and proving a superstition wrong. And sometimes, it is a matter of investigating and finding a supernatural cause, addressing it while surviving, which at times has been very difficult. Addressing it could be killing it, satisfying it, bargaining with it, persuading it, tricking it, or banishing it, and usually requires some overpowering of it with his will and may require some research into it past as well.
He is fairly well off as some of his clients pay very well and some of the supernatural do as well. He also has a number of significant contacts from all works in life, including the official Exorcist for the Archdiocese of Boston (a Jesuit priest), the commander of the local military force, and many parapsychologists. He periodically speaks at gatherings of psychologists, parapsychologists, supernatural investigators, and exorcists.
He has discovered that in his line of work he need to be fit and so maintains a regular routine of exercise to keep him fit and ready for action.
Stuart is married to Patricia Cooke, the daughter of a prominent professor at Harvard University in Cambridge and has two small children, a four-year old daughter, Rachel and a one-year old son, Peter. They live in a large house in the better areas near his office.
Working with him (and somewhat for him) out of his office, currently named the Discoverers of Secrets, a licensed investigation agency, Stuart Slade has three normal investigators, one supernatural investigator, a psychic, a researcher/librarian, and a secretary. Stuart owns 75% of the business with the rest owned by the other employees. The office has one of the largest private occult libraries in the state. The office logo is a magnifying glass with a pyramid containing a watchful eye engraved on its handle. Stuart no longer teaches at the university but does give occasional guest lectures and gives periodic seminars on the occult and parapsychology out of his office for interested students as well as guiding advance students on the private pursuits of knowledge.
Stuart Slade's Stats and Skills.
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