Breakfast at Cochrofts.
Arkham, early morning, Thursday, 25th August 1921.
The next morning sees Len staring blearily in the mirror as he tries to staunch a shaving nick. His head is pounding. He turns around and picks up his hip flask and pours a generous amount into a "tooth" glass and drinks it down, quickly.
Grimacing but with his hand steadier now, he completes his morning ablutions and then heads out to the car to drive to Charles. Arriving a short time later and soon he is knocking at the door of Charles' cottage.
Pierre wakes long before the dawn and goes for a long walk to think things out. Once life starts to arise in the town he heads out to Charles's place. The housekeeper lets him in even though he was early. They talk a bit and he asks if there is any chores he can do for her.
Charles rose early to take his usual ride across the country with Tom Hacket. He returns with enough time to bath and shave and by the time the first of his new found investigative friends arrived, he is already sitting on the porch sipping his second cup of coffee when Pierre arrives.
The Cochroft cottage 0800, Thursday, 25th August 1921.
Len, Pierre, and Dr. Manzano are already in place when Doc Slade drives up to the front with Daria beside him in the front seat. Big is their surprise when the see a strange woman jump out of the car and accompany Doc and Daria up to the house.
"Who is that? Pierre says in astonishment, "She is a beauty." Pierre is now whispering.
Len calls to Charles, "Charles did you invite a young beautiful woman to breakfast"
"Sure." Charles says when he enters the reception hall. "Daria, of course, why do ask?"
Len just nods at the door.
Charles, always the perfect host opens the door and greets his guests. "I see you have brought another guest." Charles takes Penny's right hand and kisses it. "Charles Winston Cochroft, at your service."
Penny blushes, no accustomed to such gallantry and famous persons, "Penny Pritchard. I am a student at the University."
Daria breaks in. "I met her yesterday. She has important information about the case we are working with.
Charles looks at Penny as if he would like to know everything at once, but he is too well mannered to ask. "Welcome to my house Miss Pritchard. Would you like to join us for breakfast?"
The breakfast is eaten in easy conversation. Polite questions are asked to Penny, but the issue of the investigation is not raised. When everyone's stomachs are filled, Charles proposes that you move to the living room. When everyone are seated he looks at Penny and says, "Miss Pritchard. Daria says that you have important information regarding the Atwater case?"
Penny's heart was heavy after all her initial boldness with Daria the day before and the adrenaline that coursed through her veins from meeting these new individuals began to subside. Looking at each as they ate she saw that they seemed to work as a coherent team and she only hoped she could fit in. As the mundane conversation died down she knew it was time for her to relay to them the information she gathered from the recordings provided to her by her professor. As they left the table and moved into the living room she found a chair near the hearth and found it quite comfortable. Lost in her own thoughts she vaguely heard her name. Looking up she saw Daria's mouth move yet no words escaped her lips. Snapping out of the apparent self-imposed trance she was in she heard her end with the word, "Atwater".
"Oh… I'm sorry… Yes… Please, forgive me," she stammered. "I was just thinking of that exact subject."
Remembering the strange, garbled, and seemingly incoherent ramblings of a madman sent shivers down her spine. Alone in the library's media room she listened to the damn things until she thought her ears would bleed. Why she became so entranced with these recordings she'll never know. It was if there was something tugging at her head. A feeling of excitement mixed with dread. It suddenly became hard for her to explain but looking around the living room she saw that she indeed had the attention of all who sat there sipping at their coffee. | ![]() Penelope "Penny" Pritchard |
"Well," she started as she began to look for words. "I have this… Well, this ability with languages and codes. My Father wishes I hadn't and stayed at home in Portland. Anyway, Professor Wilmarth presented me with some recordings of, what he described as an ancient language. I asked him where he got it but would not tell me. He only suggested that I give it a listen to see if I could do anything with it."
Reaching to the glass of water she brought along with me she took a long sip to remove the dryness caused by the nervousness she hoped she wasn't conveying to the others.
"Not having a reference and seeing as that it was definitely… well, foreign. I began to look for phonetic similarities in other old languages spoken today. Mainly Hebrew, Latin and Germanic. Unfortunately I got nothing. Then I began to hear patterns in the repetitive speech from the recording. Playing it over and over I was able to pull out several meanings. Mind you these may not be exact translations, but I believe they are close."
She reached over to her handbag and pulled out her notepad. Flipping it open to the several pages of notes she began to look at the coded numbers she had assigned to the phonetics used in the recording.
Looking up from my notes she explained. "It mentioned that there was an experiment that needed to be completed. A derogatory exclamation repeated, like someone referring to lineage… Like calling someone a bastard. There was a name mentioned. Richie and references to life and death. Whether these were meant for Richie, I do not know. The last item confused me the most and yet I think my translation is exact. Treader of the dust or dirt."
Penny looks up from her notes to gather in the reactions of the new faces at the table.
Seeing a little confusion she re-reads her findings, "So lets see here… All told; complete the experiments, bastards, home. Oh yes I forgot to mention, home, Richie, life, death, and treader of the dust."
Daria goes into deep thought after she hears Penny's translation of the recording. "Ok, I might be way off but this could relate to my theory. 'Complete the experiment' might actually be referring to how bishop got trapped in the bridge and maybe that was why he was able to break out, because they didn't finish the spell or something like that. 'Bastards' could refer to the people who entrapped him. 'Richie' now isn't Riche a shortened version of Richard as in Richard Russel. As for home, life, death and treader of the dust I have no idea."
Dr. Manzano considers Daria's words, "Yes, I can see the connectione here, life and death, this is obviouse Bishop's goal in life, how to achieve eternal life and conquer death. What a fate, eternal life! As to Richie, yes I believe you are right. Richie must be Richard Russel, Bishop's beste friend. But why is he talkinge about Richard Russel. Doese he also has eternal life, and will he try to find him? And home, will Bishop try to finde he olde home? That migthe be oure best way to get to Bishop, by finding his olde home."
Dr. Manzano shivers, "Treader of the dust. I don't even dear to thinke about what that can mean, I surely don't want to experience thate myselfe. Friends, that brings me to a sad thing I have to say. My wife and I have a perfect happy relationship. We telle eachothere everything. My past days have been a hard strain for her, and last nighte we had a quarrel. She is very concerned about what I have been doing lately and is anxious that ill may become to me. She has forbidden me participate in our investigation. I have to agree with her that our lives are in danger. This conflict rips me aparte, on the one hand my familiy an the responsibility I have for them, and on the othere hand, the responsibility I feel for saving the our town from such evil beings from Bishop."
"Frankly I have no real choice. My obligatione towards family is much greatere than towards society. I have to withdraw from this investigation and its dangers. I am very sorry. Should you need guidance or assistance I will help you to the possible extent withoute breaking my promise to my familia."
Doc Slade, "I understand; family comes first. You have provided a good deal of assistance so far in the investigation. I would guess that we might be coming to you for assistance in the future, particularly if one of us gets hurt. It has been a pleasure working with you Dr. Manzano."
Dr. Manzano rises from his chair, "I thank you for your hospitality and generousity you have showne us in your home, Charles. To all of you I thanke you for the friendeship that has arisen between us in these few days. I hope we still can meete again in the time to come, when you hopefully has solved the Bishop problem."
Pietro shakes your hands and hugs each of you, whispering to you, "Be careful. I will pray for you every night." Dr. Manzano picks up his clothes and leaves.
Watching the man leave Penny breaks the uneasy silence and looks at Daria. "I'm sorry to seem... well, so incredulous toward what you said, but you can't be serious. A spell? As in Magic? No sane person can accept that."
The newcomer shakes her head trying to fathom the words she heard. "And furthermore… What do you mean he was 'in' the bridge?"
Doc Slade asks, "Do we know where Richard Russell lived? We probably should check out that area for Bishop. If they did not complete the spell, we may be able to reverse the spell on Atwater and restore his body to him."
Realizing that this might confuse Penny, who has not heard about this before, he adds looking at Penny, "Yes, I did mean that, Penny. Based on the evidence we have seen so far, Bishop was entombed alive in the bridge, broke out with the lightning strike, encountered Atwater and his friend. Killed his friend, I would guess to power his evil spell, swapped bodies with Atwater, wandered into town dazed, was picked up and brought to the sanatorium where he remained for a number of hours, spoke in a strange tongue, which you translated for us, regained his senses, and left. Atwater in Bishop's body was found under his dead friend in a state of shock and was brought to the hospital where he was questioned by many people and for the most part considered crazy. Our researches have so far discovered that Bishop and his friend Russell dabbled in the dark arts of magic many years ago in this area, Bishop was entombed in the bridge by the townsfolk and Russell fled. In addition, he have found evidence supporting that Atwater's mind is currently occupying Bishop's body."
Looking around to the others, "Is there anything I left out, or how anyone found anything else?" He observes Penny closely watching for her reaction, prepared to react quickly if necessary.
"What about the symbol. The one we made a rubbing of off the bridge. Who has that now?" Turning towards Penny, Daria adds "Its all very true, I found it hard to believe but if you had known Atwater you would know that it is him in the old mans body."
"Oh, what about the murder. I know it might not be linked to the case but she still needs to know about it don't you think?" Daria says.
Doc Slade responds, "Oh yes, I left those two points out. I have the rubbing of the symbol here." He reaches in his jacket pocket, pulls it out, opens it up, looks again at it to see if it reminds him of anything and then passes it around."
"Before we go any further with this discussion Doc, I think that we should be a little more cautious with this, excuse me Miss, complete stranger, who seems to know an awful lot for someone so young and pretty." Len stands a little unsteadily.
Charles Cochroft remained quiet right through Penny Pritchard's dialogue. Patiently he leans forward, his elbows resting on his knees and his hands cupped together under his chin. His intelligent eyes never lose contact with hers. When Len finally speaks up, his attention shifts to the ex baseball pro. Attentively he listens as Len voice commands attention
"I think we have talked to much already, now Miss...Penny would you excuse us for a few minutes we..."and Len gestures to the others.... "need to discuss something in private."
Would you please excuse us Miss. Pritchard, says Charles warmly as he passes
the still seated woman, gently touching her shoulder in a reassuring manner
"I understand." Penny says. "I'll take a little stroll while you talk in private."
Charles rushes to the porch door and opens it for Penny and when she passes him he says, "I am sorry about this..., but I am sure you understand."
"Of course." Penny replies.
Doc Slade looks towards Len awaiting his thoughts and concerns. Len moves over to and leans on the mantelpiece. Len runs his hand across his scalp and then turns to the others, his right hand massaging the back of his neck.
As the door shut behind her, Penny heard the muffled voices inside. "They're talking about me and my intrusion to their little club," she thought to herself. Contemplating walking back to the school it was then she realized that she had left her purse inside. She waited a bit longer. "Magic?… I don't see how that's possible. Entombed in a bridge? No… That could never happen. There has to be some other logical explanation for those occurrences, and yet each one of them believe what they were saying," she walked near the cars in thought as she continued to ponder the things she heard in the living room. "What could be taking them so long?"
When they have retired to the study, he closes the door behind them. He hardly has time to turn around before Len's voice explodes across the room.
"Look I know I was rude to the girl but just who in the hell is she? She comes up to Daria at school last night and starts blabbing on about our friend Atwater! I mean, Christ she's only a kid! Plus not to mention that Detective Stuckey warned us about mysterious forces in this town, how do we know she isn't a plant, tell me that!"
Daria looked towards Len and blushed. "I'm sorry. But I have to say she has already helped us and whose to say that she might not again. And I am also young and I know a lot more than most people do about this case, but is there any way we can find out if she is a plant. Is there any 100% way to find out?"
Doc Slade says after listening to Daria, "Len, I sense that Penny is both sincere and intelligent. I was attempting to discern is her mind was open or closed to the possibility of the unusual when you chased her out of the room. If her mind is firmly closed, she will not be able to assist us in any way except an occasional translation. If she is more open, she may be able to apply her strong mind to the problem and provide an additional perspective; and thus much more useful to our efforts."
After a slight pause Doc continues, "I do not consider what we are investigating to be secret or hidden by nature; rather due to its unusual nature, many people will dismiss what has happened or why without wanting to consider anything outside the normal realm of possibilities. These people would consider us eccentric for having these notions, but will not act against us if we behave in a Christian manner and stand on the side of God. The few, who can fathom the depths of possibilities, we need to identify, and use as allies in our investigations. "
"It is unlikely from what I have read out the organizations in this town, that a woman, particularly a young woman, would be used as a spy. They would want someone deep in their confidences that they could rely on, and I would expect an older male. However, since I do not believe that our activities are generated enough outside interest to even warrant the attempt, I think it even more unlikely."
"I also must say that I disagree with Len on this one...", responds Charles. He pauses for a moment, stroking his chin and as an after thought adds, "Miss. Pritchard seems a very well educated, bright and not to mention polite, young lady. She seems sincere enough and I do not find the circumstances under which she approached Daria, in the least suspicious. If you recall it was her professor who asked her to translate the recording. Her involvement in this case seems as accidental as that of anyone present here today. If indeed she is an agent for these sinister people in Arkham, she would not have shared her findings in regard to the translation with us. I doubt if these people are the kind who would divulge any information of the mundane kind. This having been said, I do agree with Len in part. We have to be careful. For one we should find out if anyone else know about her findings...her professor for instance. It is not uncommon for secret societies to recruit men of high schooling and rank. Miss Pritchard said that her Professor...Wilmarth I believe, gave her the recording, but that he was unwilling to divulge the origins thereof. Why ?" His voice is sinister now, " Did Pietro, provide a Professor Wilmarth with a copy of your recordings and if not, where did he acquire it...?
"Well I must say I am pleased that you trust her Mr Charles. She looked too nice to be bad. I suppose I am naive, but where I come from we trust everyone. " Pierre sighs. "But then we have never struck what is going on here either. I think it was good luck that Miss Daria here happened to bump into this Penny, because she has helped hasn't she?
"As Daria said Mr Len, we are young too, so why all of a sudden do you suspect someone who offers help. After all, that is what I did and I know I am not a plant. I think this is getting away from what we need to discuss anyway. We need trust between all of us. Shall I get her Mr Charles? I am sure she is apprehensive out there."
"Well it seems you have all made up your minds and well as the USA is still a democracy I will bow to your collective will, however I still don't like it! Unless we are more careful with what we are dealing with and how we deal with it, we may end up like that poor woman!"
Charles nods at Pierre, who goes out to fetch Penny. Once the two of them return Len pipes up again. "Well Charlie, why don't you summarize what we know so far about this wizard or whatever he is and then perhaps we can plan for what to do next!"
"Penny, we believe that you can be of great help to us in our investigation. Would like you to be a member of our team?"
You can all see from Penny's facial expression that she has been uncomfortable, but now she is evidently relieved. Penny's answer is short, "Yes, I will."
"Then I think you must know what has occured these past days. Charles tells Penny of all their experiences since the day they volunteered to the search party.
Charles speaks for a half-hour. The others listen and shoot in remarks where Charles misses out small details. Finally he has retold their entire experiences and concludes with asking a question. "It dawned upon Dr. Manzano and it should be clear to all of us. This is deadly serious business. I would want to distance myself from the facts, but I think we must realize that Sermon Bishop is a wizard. He was born for over two hundred years ago, is immortal, and now he is back and is a mortal danger to our town that I love so much. I feel obliged to do something about this threat and is willing to put my life at stake, and I believe that everyone in this room feel the same as I and are willing to take the risk, otherwise speak now!"
Charles looks at every each of you. When none have raised theirs voice, Charles continues. "Obviously we must either kill Sermon Bishop or put him away somewhere, like last time, only in a safer place. We must assume that he is not easily killed. How can we kill him? Or, how can we put him away?"
"Also, we must try to guess what he does now, and why he is doing it? What would you have done if you had been Sermon Bishop with an evil mind and been imprisoned in concrete for two hundred years? Why did he kill Mrs. Nina Williams Hope? Why did he ransack her library, but left everything else untouched? What is he searching for and did he find it in the library?"
Penny sits quietly through Charles' explanations of the events surrounding Bishop. After he concludes she reaches to her handbag and her notes and places them inside. "What should we do now? Are we to wait and see what happens next or are we to seek him out?" She brushes a stray lock of hair from her eyes.
"No I don't think we should wait to see what happens" Charles says, "The Roman numeral 'I' was carved in Mrs Hope's forehead. This might suggest that Bishop intends to kill again. I believe that he marked Mrs Hope for a reason, he wants attention, he wants credit for the murder he has committed and for those he is still to commit. I question his reasons for killing Mrs Hope. Can it be that her forefathers were somehow tied into the events surrounding Sermon Bishop's imprisonment in the stone of Bowen Bridge? Perhaps Mrs Hope carried a dark secret all these years, knowingly or most likely...unknowingly. Perhaps a study into the History of the Hope family may provide us with further clues. Then again, the poor old widow may have just been a victim of circumstance. For now I say we should work on the assumption that the murder of Mrs Hope happened for a reason, that she was somehow significant or special to Bishop or that she possessed something of equal importance. We need to find out who else was involved in the binding of Sermon Bishop two hundred years ago, for I fear their ancestors, whoever they may be, could also be at risk. This is where we should start. I will take this matter upon myself and see what more I can dig up."
Charles pauses, his eyes shifting from one person to another, "I believe that Sermon Bishop's motive for killing is revenge, and where better to start than the ancestors of those who imprisoned him. I will try and find out who was chiefly responsible for imprisoning Bishop and if any of their ancestors are still resident in Arkham. We should also work on the assumption that Sermon Bishop may not be working alone...well not for long at least. There are other people in Arkham who serve the purposes of evil and it may be that he will search these people out. If indeed he is immortal and a wizard, he will soon crave the need for subjects to serve his needs. Who better than the members of a secret society, devoted to the worship of the arcane and of the mundane? It is also imperative that we determine whether Miss Pritchard's professor came by that recording of Bishop's delirious mumbo jumbo in a legal way that can be accounted for, and if not we need to determine how and from who he acquired the recording, and most importantly, why? Dr. Manzano is the only one who can clear up that matter for us."
Again Charles pauses. Leaning slightly forward in his chair, he fixes his attention squarely on Penny Pritchard and in a gentle voice he says, "That was some job you did in translating that recording Miss Pritchard. I commend you. You know, I could always use a bright student like yourself on my research team..." Suddenly he stops himself and smiles, his cheeks flushed. "I apologise. This is not the appropriate time nor the place..." Not allowing himself to be put off for too long by his impulsive behaviour, he recollects his thoughts and poses one last challenging question to Penny Pritchard, his face masked with an expression of grave seriousness, "Miss Pritchard. Have you told ANYBODY else, except the people gathered here in this room, what you have uncovered from your translation of that recording...?"
Penny tries to escape the stares of the man but is none-the-less flattered at his kind remarks. "No... No one knows of my success in translating the recordings, not even my professor. Daria was the first person I mentioned it to and even then I never said what was gleaned."
Doc Slade speaks up, "Penny, I would like to say you are welcome to aid us in our further investigations if you wish. I, for one, welcome any assistance I might get."
He pauses slightly. "Now let us discuss what further we need to investigate.
My short list includes:
(1) Bishop's old haunts, particularly his home,
(2) Russell's old haunts,
(3) the background of the woman who was killed, a random killing, or deliberately chosen,
(4) old libraries to find some of Bishop's old books, particularly those describing the spells he uses,
(5) identify the symbol off the bridge, and
(6) find out who Richie is (of the recordings).
Any others that anyone can think of?"
Len speaks, "I believe that Daria is correct on the last question. Richie must be Richard Russel, and yes I have other questions. Did you and Charles discover anything of interest in the book you read yesterday? Did you read them through?
Charles answers first. "No, I am afraid not. I would have loved to read the all of his thoughts though. It would have been an invaluable collection."
Len questions Charles, "Have you made any thoughts on why only this diary remains when the rest of them are missing, probably thrown away?"
Charles looks puzzled, considering if he has failed to see an important detail. "I would guess that the kept this diary as a memory of Ethan Williams more than the value they saw in the book. After all it was the last diary of those he wrote. Where are you heading Len?"
"Nothing really, just a hunch. Do you mind if I can have a look at the diary?"
"Of course. I'll fetch it in a moment." In short time Charles returns with the book. Len starts to leaf carefully through the pages, skimming the diary."
<Slade relates what he read in the Thaumaturgical Prodigies in the New England Canaan>
Len stops by a page at the end of the diary. "Charles, there is something strange here, where you tired yesterday evening and didn't notice?" Len examines the page closer. "It looks like to pages are glued together. I'll see if I can open them."
"NO!" Charles literally jumps out of his chair, "Are you MAD?" Charles grabs the book. For a moment, you glimpsed a side of Charles you have never seen before. Not the at all times, polite and controlled Charles, but the decisiveness and determination that has given Charles his Archaeological success.
Len is stunned and speechless over Charles' outburst. Charles' heartbeat is normalising again, "My apologies, Len. I am sorry about what I said. I have a lot of experience with such old books. They must be cared for with caution. If you try to rip open the pages, the contents therein might be destroyed."
Charles turns and looks at every one of you. Luckily I have a lab in the cellar and the tools to open these pages. This is an excellent opportunity to show you around in my lab.
<Heinrich, do you want to describe your cellar and lab?>
With delicate tools and with the help of chemicals, Charles splits the pages. He draws a sigh of relief when he sees that the writing on the glued pages is readable. The colour disappears from Charles face as he reads the pages.
"What does it say?" Doc Slade is unstoppable curious and impatient. Charles begins to read aloud.
![]() |
"Jesus." mutters Len under his breath and then he mutters something else in a foreign tongue which none of you understand. Charles closes the book, a stunned expression on his face. "I never realised how close my assumption was regarding Bishop's motive for murder...", he stammers as he attempts to collect his thoughts. He continues, groping for words, "The initial band were all slain, save for Ethan Williams... and now Nina Williams is dead. We must find out if any ancestors of the band, who imprisoned Bishop, are still resident in Arkham. It is imperative that we find out who else assisted Ethan Williams in binding Bishop. Once we know this I can start digging through the genealogical records at the Arkham Historical Society..." As an afterthought, he adds, "I believe Bishop had a second motive for visiting the Hope residence. He hoped to find the Carnamagos Book, the same book from which Ethan Williams cast the spell that bound him all those long years. It could be that the book contained all Bishop's incantations. If so it would be natural that Bishop, being a wizard, would want to regain his book of spells. Then again, this is only a hunch on my part. What do you think Doctor Slade?" |
The text Charles reads alouds |
Doc Slade responds "Excellent analysis, Charles. Revenge explains a lot. Yes, we should find out about other potential victims. The Arkham Historical Society and local churches should have records about descendents of those who imprisoned Bishop."
"It seems every time we uncover some new fact we have five more leads to follow! Its obvious we need to find this book, this Carnamagos Booke and use it to send Bishop back to hell where he belongs!"
"I have never heard of such a book," Penny adds, "but I'd be interested in looking at the sigil that was mentioned in the book carved onto the bridge." Doc Slade passes her the etching of the sigil.
Slade adds, "I believe the Carnamagos Booke was the one Bishop was searching for in the Williams library. I hope he didn't find it there.
Charles shoots in, "But we do have the list of volumes in the library through 1917. We'll have to check if the Carnamagos book is in the list. I'll call Detective Stuckey and ask permission to enter Mrs. Williams house again."
Len says, "Good, also to let you know I've made progress in tracking down Richie's former abode, I should be able to find out more tomorrow. But right now we need to plan carefully what to do next and I believe time is running out if we want to prevent anymore deaths!"
Doc Slade answers Len. "Yes, we need to do some research, let's divide the effort among ourselves."
Please read the another murder or go back to the table of contents.