The Condemned

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The Front Page

The Chapters

16. The aftermath
Where the investigators try to picture the happenings.

15. Into the tunnels
Where the investigators enter a nightmare worse than they could ever imagined.

14. The hunt for Sermon Bishop
The party departs to Bishop's house to try to take care of Bishop for good. They run into trouble immediately as one of them is discovered sneaking to the house and is shot. When they enter the house Bishop has fled. They discover a secret tunnel, but Daria and Pierre won't enter.

13. The search for Sermon Bishop
They meet again, next morning at Cochroft's. The rest is horrified when they hear of Doc's and Penny's fate. However they now have a means for render Bishop harmless. Doc and Penny look up Godfried, and with his help they they copy the spell and later studies it in Doc's office. The others find Bishop's old house and spots a figure they believe is Bishop entering the house. They, however, don't want to to anything rash and return to Doc's office, where Len gets a nasty surprise.

12. The Curse
Len and Penny convince Detective Stuckey to lend the Carnamagos book from Alexander Pierce, while Doc and Charles makes arrangements for a student to translate the book for them. Godried, the student, translates and reads aloud from the book with Doc and Penny present. Meanwhile Daria and Len dives fro the missing pieces for the symbol and put it together, and Charles, Nick, and Pierre visit Atwater at the hospital. Godfried has finished reading the book in the middle of the night. It has been strenuous affair, and maye it is why they haven't discovered the terrible thing that has happened to them.

11. The Carnamagos Book
Having dinner at Anton's disscussing their next step, Len realize that Bishop is searching for the Carnamagos book which he believes is in the possession of one of his entomber's descendants possession. Charles have already told Detective Stuckey of the people on Bishop's list and the detective has promised police protection for them. The heroes set out to find the Carnamagos book before Bishop finds it. The evening is eventful. Penny is present at Crane's house when Bishop attacks, Nick and Doc finds the Carnamagos book at Pierce's home, and Daria and Len learn new details from Grampa about what happened those many years ago.

10. The Arkham Historical Society
Doc Slade and Len are successful in locating an old records which identifies the seven persons who entombed Sermon Bishop in the bridge. One of them was Ethan Williams. They are not as successful in locating the descendants to the other six person, not even with the help of Charles, Penny, and Pierre, who failed in finding any reference to the Carnamagos book. Not until they realize that they need help from the staff, and Doc Slade make the connection that the author of the article they previous found about Sermon Bishop, and the curator of the Historical society, is the same person, do they make progress in the investigation. Mr. Peabody can tell them that a man, identified as Atwater, Tuesday morning sought out the the living descendants of Sermon Bishop's entombers. In the midtst of the converstaion, Charles catches the janitor listening at the door to their converstaion. The Janitor, Nick Berone, wants to help the group but the group is distrustful towards him. After a private converstaion with Doc he is accepted by Doc Slade. The Curator, Lapham Peabody, is helpful and reconstructs the list of names that the man, identified as Atwater, sought out. Nick and Charles finds additional clues which compromise Sermon Bishop.

9. Another murder
Calling detective Stuckey, Charles and Pierre learns of another death and goes to the murder scene. The cause of death can under no circumstances be called natural and the body is in such a wrteched condition that the detective advise against seeing it. Charles and Pierre takes the detective's advise and goes to the Arkham Historical Library.
Penny finds out that she can't help Daria out reconstructing the symbol, and visits the Miskatonic University Library in search for information about the Carnamagos book. She is unsuccessful. Not even a consultation with the head of the Library, Dr. Henry Armitage, bear fruits. Penny then goes to the Historical Society.
Penny is successful recreating the symbol, just in time before the appointment with the others, at Anton's
Doc and Len get the tour of the Arkham Historical Sociey by Janice, Putnam, the receptionist

8. Breakfast at Cochrofts
Dr. Manzano drops out of the investigation because of family matters. Penny introduces herself to the group and says what she heard on the recordings. The group has a discussion whether or not to trust Penny, before they decide to bring her into the group. In Ethan William's last diary, Len discovers something that Charles missed out, two glued pages. Inside the group finds the final proof that Sermon Bishop is a wizard and also a clue to how to kill him.

7. The murder of an old woman
Doc Slade, Daria, Pierre, and Len go back to the Bowen Bridge. There they find the symbol, partly destroyed, and a hole in the pillar molded in a human shape. Needless to say, they don't find any remnants of a human beeing.
Charles hears of the murder of Mrs. Nina Williams Hope and goes to the scene of crime to investigate. There he meets Mr. Peck and Detective Stuckey. Detective Stuckey initiates Charles to dangerous knowledge.
Doc Slade, Daria, Pierre and Len later joins Charles at the crime scene where Detective Stuckey lets them look trough Mrs. Hope's library.
In the evening Daria is approach be a young and beautiful woman who claims to have important information about the Atwater case..

6. Meeting at the Cochroft Cottage
The investigator meets at the Cochroft Cottage and lay plans for the next morning.

5. Who is the old man?
Our friends talk with the old man for the first time. What he tells them are unbelievable for the rational mind. Afterwards they split and investigate several leads. Dr. Manzano dig up a mind shattering article.

4. Disappearance
Dr. Manzano receives sensational information about the tapes. Dr. Manzano and Doc Slade meet with Professor Cochroft, Colson and Rose for the first time. Later they are introduced to Pierre Clandine who witnessed the patient's escape.

3. The missing student
The missing student is found and Len Colson, Winston Cochroft, and Daria Rose are witnesses to a shocking incident. Doc Slade continues to investigate the case of Henry Atwater

2. The patient
At the asylum, Dr. Manzano receives a mysterious patient. He is later called on Dr. Slade who is also interested in this case. In the newspaper, an article tells of a missing student and asks for volunteers in the search for him.

1. Introduction
Dr. Stuart Slade establishes his office in Arkham. Professor Charles Winston Cochroft is interviewed by the Arkham Gazette, and tells of his earth shattering discovery on the mountain of Arrarat.