The missing student.
Northwest of Arkham. 0830, Monday, 22nd August 1921.
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"Hi Dale, well I am here but only just barely, have they found him yet?" asked Len of his friend, as he stepped from the Ducati and rescued his shotgun.
"Hi Len..." a little surprised maybe, that Len could make it out here this early. " No we haven't found him yet, and with this rain coming soon..." Dale gazes up in the sky, "Will make the search even more difficult. "
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Another car comes up the road and stops behind Len's car. Out jumps detective Stuckey and three patrolmen, and walk to the small crowd of volunteers. "I want to thank you all for helping out. " The first raindrops start to fall on Stuckey's hat. "I know there are more volunteers on their way. It is still early and not everyone has read the newspapers yet. We will start searching the forest north of the campsite. This is what we know so far." Stuckey lights a cigarette, appraising the volunteers with his narrow eyes, just visible under the brim. "Two students, Richard Cardigan and Henry Atwater left Arkham Thursday morning camping along the Miskatonic River. Sunday morning Atwater is discovered, out of his senses, raving along the streets of Arkham. He was taken to hospital, but is still unable to account for himself. Later we discovered their camp, but we found no sign of Cardigan. But we did find a shovel with blood smears. We fear that Cardigan was killed and Atwater was traumatizised but got away. You must all prepare for a ghastly sight if you find Cardigan. Ok any questions before we start the search?" |
Ray Stuckey |
Len, with his shotgun "broken" and hanging over his arm, speaks up. "Detective Stuckey, what are the chances that Atwater killed Cardigan with the shovel and buried him up here somewhere?"
"Rather slim, I believe Mr....?"
"Colson, Leonard Colson...." replies Len, with an indifferent air.
"Would you hang around the murder scene if you were the killer?"
"Well, having only killed in defense of my country and Liberty, I would have to say yes. We hung around the Battlefield after we'd killed and yes Detective i know what your going to say, this isn't a battlefield but isn't there a case for this boy, full of remorse and horror at what he done, losing his mind and wandering around until he was found?"
Len pauses as if realizing what he just said..."Course I am only a volunteer and I will leave such matters up to those best equipped to determine the truth...your goodself for instance."
"I have the deepest respect for you boys and what you went through in Europe, but my gut feeling says that the murderer is long gone." Stuckey looks at his watch and up on the sky. "We gotta begin. Now, let's get to work. We'll split up in four groups, each leaded by one of the constables or me." The police detective points at, "You, you and you come with me. You, you..."
"Wait, wait for me!" Daria yells at the policeman "I knew Richard Cardigan so I want to help."
Police detective glares at Daria as if he thinks that she will run home screaming at the first sight of a dead body. "Ok, then. You will come with me, but stay close to me."
The rain starts to pour down and two of the search parties have already left when you notice two men on horseback steadily approaching through the rain. Three hounds, running quietly and obediently alongside accompany them. The riders steer their mounts towards the gathering crowd and it is not long before they rear the animals in and dismount. The men, both wearing trenchcoats and stetsons to ward of the rain, lead their steaming mounts in by the reigns. When they reach the crowd, the leading man, a fellow in his early fifties with rugged features and deep-set eyes, roughly clasps detective Stuckey's hand in greeting. He manages a grim smile from behind his thick, bushy mustache. "I brought the dogs detective. We're going to have to hurry though before the rain wipes all traces of the lad's scent. Have you brought something for them to smell?" He looks hardened and tough as nails.
The second rider unlike the first, is a handsome man, probably in his middle thirties, with dark hair and eyes. He is clean shaven and has strong features, suggesting that he is a man of grit and determination. Raising his right hand, he touches the edge of his stetson in a general salute. "Charles Cochroft." he says in a deep voice before extending his gloved hand to those around him. This creates a stir in the crowd. Cochroft, the famous archaeologist and Arkham's greatest son. He has a firm handshake. "Tom is right about the dogs. We'de better hurry before the rain washes everything to hell and gone."
"Sure, sure." Stuckey fetches some clothes in his car. "These we believe are some of Cardigan's clothes. We found them on the camp site."2 He gives them to Tom who lets his dogs sniff at them."
"We shouldn't expect to much. The rain has been heavy since weekend, but my dogs will do their best. Tom says. "If you accompany the constable, Tom. Mr. Cochroft you will come with me. We'll search the northern forest first."
In the detectives group are Charles Cochroft, Len Colson, Daria Rose, and one more volunteer. "We'll follow the river northwards. Will you lead with the dog, Mr. Cochroft?"
"This is the place where the students camped. Unfortunately all tracks were washed away by the rain when we arrived here. We moved the gear down to the police station and found no clues to what had happened, except for the shovel."
"Easy now, easy now. I think the dog is on to something", Cochroft says, as the dog starts to pull hard. After fifty meters the dog scares away some crows and begins to dig in the sand. Cochroft heart misses a beat, and he pulls the dog back. Protruding from the sand is the back of a human being.
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The corpse lies face down, exposed from the waist up. The birds have eaten portions of the corpse' left shoulder and left ear. Clouds of flies have settled upon these wounds. The stench is pervasive, and the body has been bloated. "Dear God", Charles muses to himself and turns his head away. Instinctively he turns to shield Daria from seeing the corpse...Len, however, being closest to Daria, sweeps her into his arms using his hand to shield her face...."Don't look girl" he says as he glances down at the dead boy. Then he looks at the Detective and waits for the policeman to take charge. Although Len was the first to cover Daria's eyes, he didn't do it quick enough and she still saw the corpse. She knows it is Richard and bursts into tears. She had always thought that they would find him alive, just lost and cold but she never expected this. Daria turns away from the body and buries her head in Len's shoulder. |
The campsite |
Charles nods approvingly at Len. His face is grim as he turns towards detective Stuckey. "Cold, bloody murder..." His dark eyes intently probes those of the other man, "It seems that the world is going insane. Let us then do the sane thing for the moment and alert the others to our finding, grisly though it may be. It is cold and wet and there is no sense in them wandering around the woods aimlessly, searching for someone that we have already found." Slowly he turns and walks a couple of paces away from the ghastly scene, "My God, his parents don't know yet..."
Stuckey looks from Charles to Len and Daria. "I knew I shouldn't have brought that girl with me" Even though it rains, police detective Ray Stuckey takes his trenchcoat off and turns the corpse around to get a look it's face.
A hand project from beneath the corpse of Cardigan and grabs Ray Stuckey's right arm and something begins to scream insanely. Ray Stuckey shakes of the hand and retreats a couple of feet in shock and disbelief. You are all shocked and paralysed.
One of the greedy crows swoops down and plucks off one of the hand's finger, making off with its prize while the being shrieks even more hideously and the rest of the crows circle enviously just overhead.
Overcome with horror, it takes Charles a couple of moments to compose himself. When he does, he steps over to Daria and grabs her by the arm. "Come!", he orders and pulls her away from Len. "I don't know what's going on here but my gut tells me we're not equipped to handle it alone. I'm leaving and I'm taking the girl with me. I say we all go together, but if the rest of you want to stay, I'll be back with more men..." He hardly has time to finish his sentence as his two hounds overcome with fear, begin to tug forcefully at their leads. Cochroft does not resist, allowing the dogs to pull himself and Daria back towards base camp.
A dawning look of horror crosses Len's face. Then a mask of calm, icy-calm, descends over his visage. He raises the shotgun and fires in the direction of the crows to frighten them off and then he levels the shotgun at the hand emerging from the earth.
The thunderous explosion of Len's shotgun behind him rips Charles Cochroft to a standstill. With shock, he glances over his shoulder. Len issues a warning, but the words seem somehow vague to Charles as he struggles to comprehend the happenings of the morning.
"Move buddy and I will fire! Detective Stuckey, any bright ideas now?"
Stuckey regains his composure and lifts his right hand. "Wait, wait. Can't you hear? That is a human voice" Stuckey cautiously closes the distance to the corpse and the insane shrieking. He grabs the corpse' hand and drags it out of the hole. Beneath lies a man - gaunt, feeble, blackened, nearly bald, humpbacked, with only scraps of antique clothes clinging to him.
With great effort he managed to raise himself to a sitting position, and screech out, "Henry - Henry Atwater", before he collapses offering no immediate threat.
Charles from his position a couple of feet away is unable to see into the hole. Nevertheless, his eyes remain glued to the shallow grave, unsure of what it is seeking there. Something raises itself out of the hole; a withered figure struggling to gain a sitting position. "Henry - Henry Atwater", he says in a raspy, hollow voice before collapsing. Disbelief, coupled with pity and revulsion are the feelings that assault Charles Cochroft's emotions simultaneously. His only reaction is a grim, ashen-faced stare. He seems to have forgotten about Daria and the dogs, his hands clinging crampingly to both.
"Holy Mother of Jesus Christ." His hands shaking, Ray Stuckey removes a small medicine-bottle from his trench coat. After a large swallow he offers it to Colson and Mr. Cochroft.
Charles declines the offer. He turns his head and glances at Daria's arm. Realizing that he might be hurting her, he relaxes his grip. "I'm sorry." His eyes show genuine remorse. He takes a few steps closer to the hole. The dogs obediently follow, their immediate fear gone.
"No thanks I have my own, medicine.." replies Len to the offer of the bottle. He removes his hip flask from his jacket pocket and takes a long swig. Before wiping his mouth and putting the flask away. He kneels down next to the man and says to Stuckey..."This isn't Atwater. Who can it be?" Then laying the shotgun down. Len offers what First Aid he can to the man.
Charles shakes his head in disbelief and looks towards detective Stuckey, " tell me detective. Either way, the man needs urgent medical attention. You call it detective, but you had better make it a quick one..."
"Mr. Colson, is he dead?" Ray Stuckey asks. "He's alive, but need medical treatment fast. Not much I can do for him here." Len says
"Alright. I'll take him to St. Mary's in my car. Will you give a hand?" Together you carry him to Stuckey's car. The other search teams head the screaming and soon they have gathered around the cars."
When the man is placed in the car, Stuckey instructs constable Ingham to stay behind until and guard the corpse until he can send the coroner. "Mr. Cochroft, Mr. Colson, and Miss Rose, I must ask you to come with Constable Brown down to the Police station to give a statement." Charles Cochroft nods at detective Stuckey. As they walk towards the police vehichle, he grabs Stuckey by the elbow and softly says, "If there is anything I can do to help the parents, please inform me. I am willing to fly them in and put them up at the manor if they are not from around these parts. As for the Atwater lad, make sure he get's the best treatment available. What happened out there in the woods is a tragedy and if I can invest a little money to help ease the pain, then by God it's the least I can do. Can you take care of that for me detective?" |
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The man |
Daria looked up from where she was staring when she heard her name, the events just kept running over and over in her head, "Yes sure, anything that may help." she then she crossed her arms trying to keep warm as a coldness chilled her to the bone.
All the way back to the car, Colson mutters under his breath, although audible to those near him...."A bad business, a bad business indeed..." and he shakes his head and then as they near the car he says something in a language no one understands.
"Charles!" It is Tom Hacket. A few brisk strides and he is standing next to Charles and Ray Stuckey. "I hear you have to go down to the station to make a statement. I'll pick you up as soon as I've stabled the horses and taken the dogs back to the manor. That ok?"
"No need Tom...", replies Charles, "...I'm sure Constable Brown will drop me off as soon as we have finished up at the station. " Having said that he turns and follows Stuckey to the police vehichle.
Colson speaks up..."Detective Stuckey I came in my own vehicle, may I drive to the station in it? I hate to leave it here by itself. Mr Cochroft, I could take you if you like?"
"Of course", Stuckey replies.
"Thank you Mr. Colson" He glances appreciatively at Len car. "Nice piece of machinery." As slips into the passenger seat next to Len, he removes his stetson and places it over his right kneecap. He bows his head slightly forward, his left hand rhythmically massaging his brow. "What the hell did we see back there Mr. Colson?", he asks calmly without looking up. His voice is calm, but his body language suggests that he is deeply troubled.
"Thank you all for showing up and making the effort. It is appreciated. Unfortunately Cardigan is dead." Stuckey says "Thanks" to the volunteers a final time. "Constable Griggs, you sit in the back with our unknown, I drive."
"Thank you Mr. Colson" He glances appreciatively at Len car. "Nice piece of machinery." As slips into the passenger seat next to Len, he removes his Stetson and places it over his right kneecap. He bows his head slightly forward, his left hand rhythmically massaging his brow. "What the hell did we see back there Mr. Colson?", he asks calmly without looking up. His voice is calm, but his body language suggests that he is deeply troubled.
As Len helps Daria into the car and then slips into it himself (it is a very tight fit in his little sports-car. he responds to Cochroft. "We saw the result of the evil in this world Mr Cochroft and call me Len by the way or Leonard, Mr Colson is way to formal for a South-side Boston boy like me."
Charles chuckles softly, relieving some of the tension in the car. "I think I shall stick with Len" Turning his head to the side he glances over his shoulder, first at Daria then at the man sitting next to him, "You felt it too then, the evil I mean?" He pauses then hesitatingly says, "For a moment back there it felt as if I was losing my mind, almost as if evil was there, to smell, to touch, to feel, not just a scene most grisly and disturbing, but evil, as if for evil's sake. Perhaps I am going insane and perhaps this is all a nightmare from which I will soon awake." Charles Cochroft turns his head to the other side, staring at the edge of the road as it flashes by in an almost hypnotic blur. For the remainder of the trip down to the station, he remains wordless, allowing the rhythmic purring of the motor's engine to pull his mind into a state of emptiness, where nothing reigns but peace itself...
Len smiles wanly...and then as he drives off he speaks to Daria, "Miss, I am sorry I didn't catch your knew the boy we found did you?"
"Daria, Daria Rose. And yes I did know him, we were in some of the same classes together-" her vision blurred from the tears in her eyes so that she couldn't see the trees and bush. "I just wish that I could have gotten to say goodbye, if you know what I mean." As she said that last part she wasn't referring to Richard but more to her dad. She then leans back against the seat and goes into a daze.
Vaguely Charles hears Len's and Daria's voice, but the words don't register...
Northwest of Arkham. 1030, Monday, 22nd August 1921.
Dr. Slade drives up to Cabbot Road and down to the river. Slade sees a crowd of people. They are mostly out after gossip. Seemingly the search for Atwater's fellow student is over. Slade parks his car and goes over to the crowd.
Slade asks one of the bystanders, "What has taken place here?"
"The Police found Cardigan. He had been brutally murdered and buried in the sand. The Police also found a crazy old tramp buried beneath him, and he was alive!" The police are combing the site looking for traces the murderer might have left behind."
"Where is the tramp now?"
"They drove him to St. Mary's I believe."
Slade drives down to the hospital at 450 S West Street. St. Mary's lies on the Campus area. This is Arkham's only hospital. It has 165 beds and operates a 24-hour receiving room. The School of Medicine provides all the residents and interms; doctors with private practices in the area are associated staff. A doctor who is expelled from hospital association has effectively had his Arkham career ended.
In the lobby hangs a picture of Mrs. Mary Elliot Wharton. An establishment rock-ribbed in its Protestantism, the hospital changed its name at the behest of the last will and testament of Mrs. Mary Elliot Wharton, and Episcopalian who left the trustees $150.000 for a new wing in 1892.
Slade enters the hospital, and yes, the man Slade is seeking is here. Coming to the man's room, a police constable is on guard in front of the patient's room. Slade goes up to the constable, and shows the constable his credentials.
"I am investigating the case of Atwater. I would like to speak with the patient."
"I am sorry. Detective Stuckey has forbidden any contact with the patient, but you can speak with the detective. A moment." The constable knocks on the door and enters the room and closes the door. Moments later the constable and the detective comes out.
"Mister Slade, can I see your credentials?" Slade shows his credentials. "Mister, what can I do for you?"
"I am investigating this case on behalf of Dr. Manzano of the Arkham Sanatorium and me. What can you tell me about the man you have brought in?"
The detective is rather short but discloses the following facts.
"The man is in delirium right now and I am waiting for him to get better so I can talk with him. The man was found under the body of Cardigan. He was thought dead and everybody was shocked when he turned out to be alive. I can not explain how he survived. The man is old, and in bad health. The only sensible thing he has said was when he was found. He cried out 'Henry, Henry Atwater'. The man is an important witness to the murder of Cardigan."
"You say that you were investigating this case on behalf of Dr. Manzano. Have you been in contact with him recently? What do you know about Atwater's condition?"
"I've just been at the Sanatorium, and actually I have examined Atwater myself. Atwater's condition is stabile, but he has not come to his senses yet. Dr. Manzano was so foresighted that he recorded Atwater's yesterday's mumbling. The mumbling is totally incomprehensible to us, but Dr. Manzano has arranged for a professor at the University to listen to the recordings later today."
"Interesting. You will tell me immediately, if you discover something of importance?"
"Sure I will." Slade responses.
Later Slade calls Dr. Manzano and tells what he has discovered. They agree to do nothing until the mysterious patient or Atwater comes to his senses, or they learn something from the recordings.
The Cochroft cottage, Arkham. 1130, Monday, 22nd August 1921.
As they pile into his car again, statements given and signed at the police station, Len pipes up..."Well what now, shall I take you both home or is there something else you'd rather do or some place you'd rather go? I know that this experience has shaken me to the core and I either need to go get roaringly drunk or otherwise do some digging, what say you two on the subject?"
"I for one can do with a cup of tea and perhaps a slice of Nell's freshly baked apple pie." He smiles at Len. "I have something stronger as well, if it would be more to your liking." He then glances over his shoulder at Daria, "What say you miss, apple pie and tea?" he ask optimistically and for the first time since the search of the morning, there is a faint smile flickering in his eyes…
"The something stronger would be my choice. Give me some directions Mr Cochroft and we shall be there momentarily. Is that what you'd like Miss?"
"Yes that would do nicely thank you." Daria says.
As Len drives to the Cochroft estate he is quiet for a while, as if in thought and then just before he turns into the estate he pipes up with, "Once we've fortified ourselves, I think we need to decide what we want to do. Ignore it and hope for the best or delve further and hopefully stop this from being anyone else's fate. For I feel in my bones that this is only the beginning."
"If you ask me," Daria says, "the answer lies in both Atwaters, although that is only my opinion. But I think that I need a night to get myself together, I might visit the sanatorium tomorrow."
Len nods in response and then adds, "But I also think we need to take another look at the area we found the boy in. There will be clues there, perhaps ones the Police missed. After all they don't share my interest in matters of the occult."
Len makes the sign of "the evil eye" and then mutters..."Sokkal Bettegseg serkészik a szárazföld." Then he looks at Cochroft..."Don't you think?"
As Charles Cochroft leads his two guests up the stairs to the front porch, the door swings open and the beaming face of a plump elderly woman greets him. "Just in time for tea and my goodness what have we here, visitors?" Nell smiles warmly at both Len and Daria before scoldingly turning to Charles, "Well young man, aren't you going to introduce me?"
After clearing his throat, Charles makes the necessary introductions. "...And this is Nell. She looks after the cottage...and me." Tenderly he puts his arm around the woman and gives her a solid hug. "Nell has been with the family since before I was born. She a second mother to me"
"It's a pleasure to meet you Nell." Daria replies.
Grinning from ear to ear, Charles plants a kiss smack on the smaller woman's forehead.
"Charles, you're embarrassing me..." she whispers and eyeballs him playfully. Suddenly she shrieks and quickly rushes in through the front door.
"That's Nell for you. The salt of the earth she is that woman", he laughs and gestures you to enter the cottage.
Daria gives a little jump when Nell let out a shriek but then as she walks into the cottage she takes a minute just to admire the interior of it. She notices the tended garden outside a window and wanders over to it and has a closer look around outside. It wasn't just the view of the garden that took her breath away but also the surrounding plains.
Len says to Nell, "Please to meet you Nell, I am Leonard Colson and this is Miss Daria Rose."
Len looks at Cochroft, sideways..."I thought I would introduce us to you ma'am, seeing as your boss didn't seem fit to do so."
You walk straight into a large kitchen, filled with warmth and a delicious smell. Nell is scurrying around before an open log stove. Slipping on a pair of red pot mittens, she reaches into the stove and pulls out a piping hot, steaming pie and places it on the sturdy wooden table in the centre of the room. The kitchen although plain, is a very homely room. A large, cast iron, log stove stands against one wall, close to the window. The rest of the room is filled with heavy, solid wooden furniture, all of which look very old yet distinguished, the centre of which is the solid oak table in the middle of the room, scarred through many generations of faithful use, yet sturdy as time itself. A basket of fresh flowers rests on it's weathered top, providing a measure of colour to the otherwise dark wooden interior of the room, which is well lit by polished, brass, oil lamps mounted against the walls. The light falling through the four unshuttered windows provide a measure of natural lighting during the day, adding to the comforting feel of the room. A brass washbasin stands in the corner next to the stove and under the window, allowing its user a pleasant view of the neatly tended garden outside. The wall next to the stove is decorated by all means of brass pots and pans hanging from wooden hooks against the wall. Large wooden shelves stretch from the corner opposite the window, till right up against the passage opposite the front door of the kitchen. It is stacked with jars, tins, bottles and jugs. For balance the opposite end of the kitchen houses a large oak cupboard as well as a small table under the window, on which rests a bowl of fresh fruit.
"Come dears, a have seat. The water is almost boiling. I hope you all like tea and apple pie..." She quickly scurries to place cups and plates on the table"
Daria turns away from the window and takes a seat at the table, her stomach growls as she waits for the pie. She hadn't had much for breakfast and was starving.
Charles smiles at Nell and walks towards a laden shelf. "Whisky, 1893. A good year...or so the experts say." He grins at Len as he grabs the bottle and removes a glass from the large oak cupboard. Placing the glass on the table, he pours Len a stiff drink. He smiles at Daria, "I don't think Nell would approve if I offered you a drink too. I think she has tea in mind for the rest of us. After putting the bottle down next to the glass he pulls up a chair and sits down. He beckons you to do the same.
"Oh thats alright I don't drink anyway, tea will be just fine." As Nell joins the table Daria takes the piece of pie offered and digs in, without seeming to piggy. "The pie is fantastic Nell."
After a couple of minutes Nell joins the proceedings at the table. She cuts a large slice of pie for everyone and after serving tea she sits down, exhausted. Charles pats her hand affectionately. After several minutes of small talk, Charles returns to the matter of the morning's proceedings. "I don't know if it's my place to dig further into this matter. I am an archaeologist, not a detective. However, this thing with the boys has disturbed me deeply and I daresay I will not rest until I can understand that which I have seen. I will join you at the sanatorium tomorrow Len. I doubt if I have the strength for any further excitement this day." Charles takes a sip of tea. "So, who are you folks when you're not sneaking about the woods, playing detective?" He grins, but somehow it is not genuine, as if he is disturbed by his own words...
Len takes a sip of the whiskey, swallows and nods appreciatively at his Host. He takes a deep breath and says, "I think I will have some pie, thank you ma'am," Taking a fork he separates a large piece which he puts into his mouth and chews, contentedly. After swallowing he replies to Cochroft.
"Charles, I am a Ball-Player with the Boston Been-eaters and I am no Detective neither. Though being an archaeologist, your more of one than I but I cannot let this mystery go, it has a hold on me and I cannot shake the feeling that we had better do something or it could get worse. Though I don't see how right now."
As Daria hadn't said much about the day so far she choose to speak up now. "It's happening again, the evil I mean, the feeling you all had today I felt it as well but you see I've felt it before. I was 15 when he died, my dad, it seemed to set up because I don't see how someone could fall and just get their head caught in a piece of rope. That day I got this feeling that chilled me to the bone and if only I had been older I would have tried to find out what happened. And I guess that is why I KNOW I have to stay on this case." She went silent and just stared into her tea for a while then she snapped out of her daze and said "I go to the University, I am studying a few things. I paint and sculpt."
Len is taking another sip of whiskey, followed by another generous piece of apple-pie. "I would rather investigate the site as soon as we can but I agree we have done enough for one day. Why don't we visit the Sanatorium, see what transpires there and then move on to the site in the forest?"
"Very well...", replies Charles and pours himself a glass of whisky. He refills Len's as well. Nell gives him a scolding look, but he disarms her with a sly wink. "Shall we meet in front of the Sanatorium at say 9'O Clock?"
"Sounds fine with me Charles. Ms Daria can I drop you back at the University? I do believe I might just spend the night in town." And with that Len frowns a little and looks down at his feet.
"Yes thats fine I need to pick some stuff up anyway." Daria says.
Some more small talk follows, after which Charles sees Len and Daria off. When he re-enters the kitchen, he smiles at Nell, "Thank you for the pie Nell. It was delicious as always." He frowns slightly, I think I'll go down to the basement and work for a couple of hours. I need to get my mind off things..."
Len shakes Charles' hand and thanks him for the whiskey. He drives Daria into town and drops her at the University before travelling on to the nearest good Hotel where he books a room for the night, eats dinner and heads out on the town.
Len drives Daria to the University and she thanks him for the ride and waves good-bye as he drives off. Daria turns toward the University and starts walking towards the library. She reaches the tall doors and walks inside. She starts looking for information on Henry Atwater.
The Campus, Arkham. 1300, Monday, 22nd August 1921.
Daria goes to the Miskatonic Library who has copies of last three university annuals, in each of which Atwater appears. The Annuals include his photos. Daria quickly finds some of his fellow students and teachers. According to them, Atwater was a foundling who grew up in a Boston Orphanage. A brilliant student, upon high school graduation he was awarded the James Fitzhugh memorial scholarship and was accepted be the Miskatonic University. Like his friend, Richard Cardigan, Atwater majored in Botany. He also held a part-time job at a local florist's shop, Almen's flowers. After her research she heads back outside and walks the four blocks to her house. She walks up the steps and unlocks the door; her mum and aunty must have been out. She walks down the dim hallway and looks at the pictures covering the walls. She reaches her room and changes into her painting clothes and prepares everything she needs. She already had an idea in her head and when she got started she tuned out of everything. She didn't hear her mum and aunty return and she didn't notice how dark outside it had got. After a good 4 to 5 hours of painting she stood back to admire a man with a child on his shoulders standing on a wharf at sunrise. She was exhausted but she felt better. |
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Henry Atwater |
Maps are from page 117, and page 118 of the Arkham Unveiled. Art copyright Chaosium Inc. for Carol Triplett-Smith.
Illustrations are from page 36, page 133, and page 119 of the Arkham Unveiled. Art copyright Chaosium Inc. for Tim Callender.
Please read the Disappearance, or go back to the table of contents.