Who is the old man?
St. Mary's, Arkham. 1000, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
You are waiting outside the mysterious man's room, when Detective Stuckey appears and glances at you. "Why am I not surprised to find you here? Dr. Manzano, I think this case is your table. I'd like to hear your assessment of what he says." Detective Stuckey takes another glance at you. "I guess the rest of you can come too."
In the bed lies the old man, found yesterday beneath the corpse of Cardigan. He looks scared, bewildered and sad at the same time. "Mister. This is Dr. Manzano from the Arkham Sanatorium. Could you please repeat to him what you just said to me?"
The man speaks with a modern accent and with desperation. "Please you got to believe me. I am Henry Atwater!"
Detective Stuckey holds a photograph in front of the man. "You are not Henry Atwater. Look at this picture. This is Henry Atwater."
The man starts to sob. "I know. That is a picture of me, but I am Henry Atwater."
Dr. Manzano interferes. "Please take it easy. Calm down." He goes over to the man and feels his pulse on his hand. "Now please tell me everything you remember from the beginning."
"Richard and I was having a field trip along the Miskatonic River. Saturday evening we camped on the riverbank and went to sleep. From now on everything is misty. Next thing I remember is pain. I feel pain in my whole body and I am completely numb. I lie outside the tent. Then I see myself come out of the tent and fetch a shovel."
The man starts to cry again. "I can't remember more. "I wake up again by someone dragging me into a hole. I am looking into my own face. Then Richard is dumped right on top of me. The back of his head is crushed and the blood is running down my face. I am buried alive.
"It is all dark. I don't know how long time that pass, but Richard's body is beginning to stink, and then I hear the birds. Oh, my God, I can hear they are eating of his body. When I try to scream, my mouth gets filled with sand. I remember the light and then I lie here"
Dr. Manzano says, "I believe you. You can rest now. You are in safe hands. Do you remember anything about the man with your face? Did he speak?"
"Yes he did, but I can't remember what he said." A long thinking pause. "I think he is a priest or something. He spoke about the church, but I can't remember what."
Whispering under his breath and running his hand through his hair..."Jesus.H.Christ...." Then seemingly to grab hold of himself he steps forward to ask Atwater a few questions..."Kid, my name's Len. What fieldtrip were you and your chum on? Can you remember anything more about this strange fellow, it could be important in finding the killer of your friend."
"It was dark, and I was so confused. I don't remember anything more. I would like to help more, but..."
Henry, I like some proof that that is you. Tell me about your parents and your friends and your daily activities. In particular, only things that you and they would know.
Slade steps forward, "I don't remember my father. He was a sailor and disappeared at the high seas. I was only three years old then. My mother got by since she only had me. She was the sweetest of all women. She passed away when I was eight years old. The pox took her. I was placed at the Onhamshire Orphanage at the edge of Boston, where I lived ever since."
The man gives a list of his friends and gives a summary of his latest conversation with his teaching superior.
"They were his friends" Daria says in a quite voice.
Daria steps forward and stands beside the bed "Henry? Do you remember me? Do you mind if I ask you a few things that might put my mind to rest? First what happened at the last football match played in Arkham? Who was your last girlfriend? And what was your job?"
"Yes, I remember you." <Smile>. "I can't remember your name. Football match? I don't really care about football, I can't tell you." The man sighs, "My last girlfriend, and my only on so far, was Lisa. Lisa Bury. She lives in Boston now. I believe she is engaged with a Lawyer. My last job? Do you mean the job in the flowershop?"
Having hardly arrived at the Sanatorium, Charles Cochroft is suddenly in the middle of a fast paced mystery. Apart from his introductions to Doctor's Slade and Manzano, he has also made the acquaintance of a visiting Canadian by the name of Pierre Clandine. He remains quiet and aloof all through the interview with the old man, who claims to be Henry Atwater. Quietly he hangs around in the background as the boy is bombarded with question upon question. "He seems to be taking things rather well.", Charles muses to himself. He moves away from the bed and over to the window. A frown creases his brow. "This cannot possibly be Henry Atwater...", he thinks and strokes his chin, "...yet I believe that he is. The old gut feeling is back" The voices behind him seem far away, yet he manages to follow the conversation. A voice distinguishes itself from the rest, a female voice, Daria. Charles listens intently.
Slade asks, "Have you ever seen this old man before?"
"What old man?" he says before it dawns upon him and he hides his face behind his hands. "Oh no! What has happened to me? Tell me what has happened to me?" He begin to scream, "No, no, no...."going into a state of trauma.
The doctor present speaks up. "I think it is best that you leave now. I must sedate him.
St. Mary's, Arkham. 1030, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Detective Stuckey takes you outside the hospital. "Dr. Slade. What is your professional opinion on this case?"
Doc Slade responds to Detective Stuckey, " The old man believes that he is Henry Atwater. He either has studied the boy well or some bizarre event has happened to him. I do not believe he was responsible for the other boy's death. We need to verify what he told us from Atwater's friends and teachers to see if it is an act or not. We need to find the body of Henry Atwater and question him thoroughly."
Detective Stuckey replies, "I agree with you on that point. The key to solving this mystery is to find Atwater, or whoever he is.
"Detective Sharkey, was there any unusual marks, writing on his body?"
"It is Detective Stuckey, Mr Slade. No, There was nothing unusual. The doctors say that he suffers from delusions (that he is Henry Atwater), shock, malnutrition, exposure, exhaustion, and a severly deformed spine. I'll have to get going. And again, thank you all for your assistance."
After the detective leaves, Slade adds, "We need to check the old town histories around when Manzano's linguist puts the dialect that Henry Atwater's body was speaking. Do you have the translation yet, Doctor Manzano? This sort of thing may have happened in the past. We need to check the orphanage and verify the stories. We need to check out the campsite and where the dead boy was found. We need to check out the site where Atwater's body was found wandering town."
Dr. Manzano says, "I am pretty experienced searching through archives. The newspapers woulde be a good place to start. But I ame sorry, there is no and will never be a translazione of the recordinge. They are too incomprehensible. It ise also impossible to date the language closer than ise already done. Thise will be very difficulte."
"I'll join you", says Charles. "I also have some experience searching through archives."
Len says. "I volunteer to check out the campsite. Say Pierre, you're an outdoorsman want to come along with me? Why do we meet back at Charles' house? Or is that too presumptuous of me?"
"Not at all, not at all."
Pierre answers, "That sounds fine with me, I will pick up my stuff. Be good to get out into the woods again that is for sure. Where shall we meet, as I do not know this town very well at present and I have no means of transport apart from my feet of course? I will bring some food too, in case we are there a while, plus a couple of beers for when we finish, Okay with you?"
Len grins and slaps Pierre on the back, "A Man after my own heart! Don't worry about transport I have my car outside, I can run you over to your lodgings to grab your gear and then we can swing by my house on the way to the site."
He turns to Charles, "So we meet at your place, say 9pm tonight?"
"Why don't we say 8pm. We may have much to discuss and might need to rise early tomorrow." "Better inform Nell that we'll be having guests over...", he thinks quietly to himself.
"I will have to looke to my family before I can attende a meeting tonight. If everything is all right, I will try to come at 8 o'clock this evening. Where may I find your residence, Signor Cochroft?"
"Very well. Eight it is" Cochroft gives directions to his cottage." You take the North Peabody Avenue out of town. Then you take the first road you come to on the left hand.
"That leaves us two, young lady. Slade says. "We need to check up Atwater's background more closely. What do you say about a trip to Boston?"
After the others have left, only Charles and Dr. Manzano stand remaining. Charles proposes, "Why don'te we go through the archives in each our newspaper. You take the Gazette and I take the Advertiser."
"Very well..." says Charles, "...the Gazette it is." Charles Cochroft
" Si, ok. We can go to my office immediately and retrieve the recordinge", Dr Manzano says. "Afterwards I would suggest that we look for informatione related to the area around the campsite. I would be particularly interested in stories of people or buildings tied to that area. It mighte also be a good idea to check older maps of Arkham and surroundinge, maybe we should go to the city hall after checking the newspapers?"
"The only building in that area is the old Bowen Bridge, but it doesn't stand any longer."
The Arkham Gazette, Arkham. 11oo, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Charles' friend wasn't of much help. The quality of the connection to New York was too poor, but he promised to listen to the recordings if they were sent to him Dr. Manzano and Charles agreed upon sending parts of the recordings as express mail to New York.
When Charles arrive at the Arkham Gazette he is immediately permitted access to the archive. Later Willard Peck comes down in the Archive. "A pleasure to meet you again so soon. May I ask you what you are looking for?"
"Hello, Mr. Peck. I am looking for information and articles about the old Bowen Bridge and the vicinity.
"May I be of assistance?"
"Your help would be most welcome, Mr. Peck"
Together Charles and Mr. Peck sit down and begin to leaf through old newspapers.
The Arkham Advertiser, Arkham. 11oo, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Likewise, Dr. Manzano is immediately gives access to the archives, but he has no helpful journalist to help him in the search.
Dr. Manzano starts with today's newspapers going backwards in time.
Bowen Woods, Arkham. 1130, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Len and Pierre are riding through the Bowen Woods in Len's car. Len has decided to ride up Bowen Road and then follow the river down to the campsite. Running north from the Aylesbury Pike a little less than four miles of Arkham, Bowen road is now an unused dirt track disappearing into a rugged forest of hardwoods and evergreens.
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A little over a mile into the woods, Len and Pierre don't notice the faded "Danger - road ends abruptly" sign nailed to a tree, warning travellers of the hazard drop-off ahead. A light wooden barrier blocks the bridge approach. Len stands on the breaks, and his reflexes and drive skill save them from a swim. Pierre, not prepared for this sudden short stop, smashes his head into the windscreen. The windscreen holds but not Pierre's' forehead. Blood is seeping down his left eyebrow from a cut in his brow. When Len has regained his composure he looks over to passenger. Len is worried and puts his arm on Pierre's shoulder. "How are you, Pierre?" Pierre is dazed. "My head hurts. Otherwise I think I'm okay." "Sit here, Pierre. I'll fetch my First Aid kit." Len praises himself that he always keeps a First Aid kit in the car's trunk. Len manages to stop the bleeding and attaches a bandage around Pierre's head. "This is as good as I can do, Pierre, but we better get you to a doctor. How do you feel now?" Pierre leaves the car. "I feel fine, apart from the pain in my head. Don't worry, I'll manage. Let's do what we came here to do." "It's your decision, but tell me if you get dizzy again. Then we go straight to a doctor." |
The old Bowen Bridge |
The Miskatonic River is narrow at this point, no more than 100 feet across and fast moving. The remains of the bridge approach on this side just over the river nearly twelve feet above the river. Little remains of the stone central pillar 50 feet away. A small mudbank flanks the pillar.
Len and Pierre follows down the river until they arrive at the campsite. There are no police guards or traces of what took place here any longer. The night's rain has washed away all traces in the sand from yesterday. They search in the sand and the nearby bushes and wood for any clues, but find nothing of interest.
Onhamshire Orphanage, Boston. 14oo, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Dr. Slade and Daria have driven the long trip from Arkham to Boston in Slade's car. In advance they called the manager of the orphanage and told they where coming. Dr. Slade had told the manager on the phone that Atwater is missing and that another man impersonates him. In this time they got the opportunity to get known with each other.
"If you don't mind me asking Dr Slade what is it that you do exactly? I am only a student at the university but I have only lived in Arkham for 3 years. It's nice here but in a way I miss Hong Kong. That's where I lived before. Have you ever travelled over seas before?"
"Well, Daria, I am trained in a number of different aspects of psychology and like to investigate the unusual. Many times there is a logical explanation for what has occurred even when the reported observation seems impossible. There are too many things that are still unknown, that we have to apply scientific principles to better understand. Take the Atwater situation. It seems that the old man is pretending to be Atwater. Most individuals quickly reach the conclusion that he can not be, whereas I accept that as one of many possibilities any of which may be true and investigate to find the truth. What you are studying at the university?"
{Daria's response}
At 2PM they park their car in the driveway to the orphanage. The orphanage is a fine old stately home in the outskirts of Boston. Dr. Slade is impressed. He has seen a few orphanages in his work, but never one as fine as this.
The Manager was apparently waiting for them, because he comes to greet them before they have left the car. "It is a pleasure to meet you." Introduction follows." What are these ill news I hear about Henry Atwater?"
"Ill news indeed. We are still looking for Henry Atwater, and fear that evil might have befallen him. Also we have an old man that claims he is Henry Atwater. This case is still very confusing and we hope that you can provide us with some item that might positive identify Henry Atwater."
"A fingerprint or something like that?"
"Yes, a fingerprint would be excellent."
"I am sorry we have no fingerprint, but we do have a footprint."
"That would do. Is there any chance that we could borrow the print?"
"Normally we don't give those prints away, but as these things stands I guess you could borrow them. However, you must promise to return them."
"We are looking for facts to help clearly prove that the old man cannot be Henry. Can you tell us about Henry, his mannerisms, behaviours, hobbies, things that he has done in the past? I am looking for something that very few would know about him to ask the old man about and possibly catch him up with."
"Henry Atwater was a likeable boy. He wasn't the typical social boy, but quiet and retreated if trouble was brewing. He had several desirable characteristics. He was studious, honourable, and trustworthy and had evolved a high degree of empathy. He didn't have many friends but he took good care of those he had."
"His only hobby was botany, and outdoor life. He didn't care about sports at all. I remember an incident from an outing. One his friends, Richard Curtis, once put a hedgehog in his sleeping bag. Atwater hasn't forgot. Ask the old man what Richard Curtis put in his sleeping bag."
"Did Henry have any interest in history? Particular Massachusetts history?"
"No, not that I can remember, though he excelled in history, so he probably know more than most people."
"Did Henry ever speak with an archaic accent? For fun perhaps?"
"I can't say I remember that, but who knows everything about what pass between the boys."
"Has Henry ever suffered from amnesia?"
"Has Henry ever had a period in his life where he refused to communicate to those around him?"
"Surely not."
"Thank you for you assistance. You have been of great assistance, Mr Browning."
The Arkham Advertiser, Arkham. 17oo, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Dr. Manzano's heart makes a jump. He continues to read the article." As Dr Manzano reads on he feel an icy cold hand of fear squeezing his heart. A terrible suspicion begins to rise in Manzano's consciousness. With a shaking hand Manzano begins to copy the article.
Afterwards Dr. Manzano goes out to draw some fresh air. Some kids are playing on the pavement and they makes him think on his own kids. Fear strikes him again and he begins to think that it may not be wise to involve in this case. After a while he disregards the thought. He has done enough today and goes home to his family.
West River Street, Arkham. 1900, Tuesday, 23rd August 1921.
Dr. Slade and Daria stand in the junction of West River Street and North West Street.
Daria says, "So this is where he was found. He probably came down the road that follows the river. Shall we drive and see where the road ends?"
Dr. Slade looks at his watch, "Good idea, we still have time before our rendezvous with our friends."
Travelling upstream from Arkham, the Miskatonic River turns north after Arkham. They cross the railroad and the road continues along the river until it reaches a small height. From the height they see the river turn west. The road leaves the river and runs towards and disappears into the Billington Woods.
Dr. Slade says, "I guess Atwater walked along the Miskatonic River until he came out of the woods. Then he followed this road into Arkham. It has rained heavily since Atwater walked here, so it is impossible to examine the area near the road and the river for tracks."
"Dr. Slade I'm not very experienced with the woods so what should I look out for?" Daria asks as they walk down one of the tracks? A plant to her left catches her eye and she stops and looks at it more closely "Could you please tell me what it's called?"
Dr. Slade takes a closer look. "I have no idea, Daria. Why do you ask? Is this plant special?
{Daria's response}
But, Daria and Dr. Slade search the area for items like torn cloth, etc, but fruitlessly.
Map is from page 123 of the Arkham Unveiled. Art copyright Chaosium Inc. for Carol Triplett-Smith.
Please read the meeting at the Cochroft Cottage, or go back to the table of contents.