The Journey to the tower
The lab. Time unknown, Date unknown, first minute in the new world
Natasha gasps slightly, and then she mutters something that sounds a bit like a prayer. She seems quite stunned by what she is seeing right now.
Doc quickly recovers from his surprise at the new landscape, and states, "Apparently, this is where the lab went before and I would guess that the professor went out exploring. He may already be dead out there. We have two choices. We can (1) wait for the effect to reverse itself, which may be a while, or (2) go look for the professor and see if we can't find him."
Natasha finally manages to say "Dr Slade, on the drawing we found I saw images of strange flying animals, as well as almost human like forms..." She stops then finally regains her composure enough to say "I do not know where we are, or when this thing will take us back, if ever, but I dare say we are not alone." She stops again and says in a low voice "I do not know if they are creatures of flesh and blood, or the devils relatives, but they are out there." She reach into her purse and pulls out a revolver, it is a bit unusual in appearance and has an oak handle. She smiles a little and says "Not sure if this will do much good, but it is a nice Russian model". It is a M1895 Nagant, a rather unusual revolver of Russian manufacture. | ![]() |
A russian M1895 Nagant |
Doc replies to her, "You are quite right" and to everyone "Be prepared for anything. We have no idea what creatures we might run into nor even if the same natural laws applies here."
Natasha nods softly then she says, "Is this hell?" Her mind is reeling from the shock, going from calm and detached to feverish and confused, she still managed to maintain her calm exterior though.
Penny shivers at the thought of travelling through time to this desolate place. She tries to comprehend the events but shakes her head in confusion. "Can anyone remember exactly how long it was since we first saw the sphere disappear? Unless the appearance and disappearances are random, we need to make sure we can get back home." She looks to the dread tower. "Will we have to go there?" she asks hoping the answer is 'no'.
Doc checks his pocket watch and reports on how long it has been since the first reappearance of the lab in normal space. He then responds to Penny, "It looks like it is wavering between this place and normal space, and I would guess would continue until the device is turned off. Now about the tower, we were sent to find the professor, and from all signs he is somewhere in this place and probably needing our help. We may have to check out the tower as he seemed interested in it."
Natasha is about to say something, she stops, then her eyes narrow slightly, she seems to be thinking about something, finally she says, "Perhaps someone should stay and guard the machine. After all we have little or no idea how it works, and we do not want some of these creatures to take control over it, do we?" Natasha will offer to remain behind with Penny, stating "Perhaps it is best that way, you are probably better equipped if violence should be needed".
Natasha looks at the formerly humming globe, then her lips move silently, but the looks in her eyes leaves little doubt the words that are running through her mind are probably the kind that no lady would ever utter in public. Finally she regains her composure and says, "It would seem we are stranded, which is only to be expected", she smiles a little and then adds, "Well this is getting most interesting". Natasha's take on this is simple "Gentlemen, Miss Pritchard, the way I see it we must go out to that...", she motions towards the tower "That, whatever it is, and there we must find the professor, or at least some way of going back home". She then hesitates before she adds "Normally I would be reluctant to go, but splitting up the group seems ... chancy". Her preparations are simple, rummaging through her purse looking for more bullets. She also hands over her perfume bottles and says, "I suppose they can be used for something", she then comments "These things are nearly pure alcohol, I can not trust my servants around them". Finally she will make a quick prayer and then tell them "I think Father Gregori would have liked you, I pray more after five hours with you than I do in a whole month otherwise", she is smiling as she says it though. After this she is ready to go.
Doc speaks up, "Can any one find any signs of a human walking away from the building?" He looks around for footprints, probably made by the professor.
Charles joins Doc and it doesn't take long before he finds human bootprints leading away from the lab. The footprints continue in the direction of the tower. "Before we go, we should take stock of our gear. Did someone bring food?"
Doc speaks, "I think we better go back and let everyone know that we have found tracks, and to select the equipment we want to take with us as we follow the tracks. I am not sure if I want to carry my trunk with me over such a long distance, but many of the items could be useful. "
When Natasha hears she says, "Ah it sounds fascinating, truly, I will take what I have, and I suggest we bring all the water we can carry." She blinks softly, "I hear lacking water can be terrible ... and you never know when the local springs are bad". She seems somewhat distanced as she says this, as if recalling some bad memory from the past.
Doc asks "Did we find any useful supplies in the Lab?" He then opens up his trunk and takes out his backpack, places the first aid kit, the rope, twenty bullets, and the hard hat within it and places it on his back. He picks up the canteen filled with holy water and offers it, "Would anyone like to carry this canteen? It is filled with holy water, but is drinkable if necessary. Would any one like some of the other supplies to carry."
Natasha replies, "Yes, we found some bottled water and canned food. That was a lucky strike."
The investigators have laid all their equipment on the floor in the lab. There was little of use to be found in the lab and the sleeping quarters, except for precious canned food and bottled water. The food and water is estimated to last for three days with small rations. The inventory count shows this:
M1895 Nagant, pocket bible, small purse with women's things, strong leather belt, small knife with belt sheath. magnifying glass in a padded belt pouch, quart canteen that attaches to belt. (filled with water. small hand broom, thick leather jacket, metal flask container of holy water, silver crucifix 6" high, small notebook with pencils, small silk pouch, gun belt with a .45 revolver.
Industrial first aid kit, 100' of rope, pulley attached to 20' of rope, grappling hook, crow bar, 2 kerosene lamps, 4 spare bottles of kerosene, matches, hammer, 4 large steel nails, 2 wooden stakes, 4 wax candles, chisel, 100' of twine. 10' measuring tape, screwdriver, saw, and hatchet. wax paper (for making etchings), chalk, charcoal, 4 extra blank notebooks, 60 normal bullets, 6 silver bullets, and 12 special bullets, tranquilizer rifle with 8 tranquilizer darts, quart canteen filled with holy water, salt shaker filled with salt, leather backpack, 4 wooden stakes, hard hat with miner's light.
Charles says, "this is more than we can carry. We have a long walk in front of us and shouldn't carry more than what strictly necessary."
Natasha is ready to go as it is, although she would prefer to stay in the background, she will mention to Penny "Let the men lead on, they seem to like it ...", with a smile as if to say 'the hormone ridden little creatures, better them than us'.
You pick this, and distribute the items among you. The men carry all they can, and the ladies carries what left over.
M1895 Nagant, pocket bible, small purse with women's things, strong leather belt, mall knife with belt sheath, magnifying glass in a padded belt pouch, quart canteen that attaches to belt. (filled with water), thick leather jacket, metal flask container of holy water, small notebook with pencils, small silk pouch, gun belt with a .45 revolver, industrial first aid kit, 100' of rope, grappling hook, 2 kerosene lamps, 4 spare bottles of kerosene, matches, hammer, 4 large steel nails, 4 wax candles, hatchet, wax paper (for making etchings), chalk, charcoal, 60 normal bullets, 6 silver bullets, and 12 special bullets, tranquilizer rifle with 8 tranquilizer darts, quart canteen filled with holy water, leather backpack, hard hat with miner's light. |
The footprints are easy to track, although sometimes you loose them when the professor has crossed rock. The landscape is desolate and arid, and little apart from small brushes, grow here. The tower in the horizon is the only landmark, and clearly is alien to this otherwise alien landscape for the investigators.
It is noon until you notice that you are closing upon the tower. Charles estimates that you won't reach the tower before light goes. Charles is right, and you don't make it before nightfall. You are now absolutely sure that the professor went to the tower, and could have reached it, even though it is dark. Since you are tired and dangers may lie ahead, you camp for the night, but make no campfire. It is cold and you freeze, but you all endure. Finally dawn breaks and you are only a couple of hours walk from the tower.
Closer to the Citadel, you find a large stone, five feet in height, with strange markings on it. Doc and Penny spend some time on studying the markings, and sense that they are familiar to them, but can not place them in a relation. They are certain, however, that they are Mythos related, and that in itself is a bad sign. Doc draws the markings in his notebook.
Looking at the strange symbols Penny attempts to discern their meaning without success. "Because of their repartition," she says. "They probably are warnings." She brushes a stray lock of hair from her eyes and muses, "They probably say 'Keep Out' or 'Trespassers Will Be Shot'."
Doc replies, "Quite true, or possibly 'Don't Feed the Animals.'"
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Penny chuckles slightly at Doc's remark. Relieved that a little humor can make a blight situation a little more tolerable, she moves on with a renewed sense of hope. As you get closer to the tower, you see more and more of these rocks. Doc draws the next one too, but it is similar to the first one and so are the rest too. The tower is built on a small hill and the ground is mostly rock, and Charles is very skilful, or lucky, to discover the alarming change. It is very evident when you examine it closer. The Professor's tracks are joined by three more sets. These new tracks are much larger and claw like. Doc exclaims, "This does not bode well. The professor could be in a lot of trouble or dead by now. Prepare yourselves for unusual malignant creatures." Doc unclips the snap above his revolver to permit fasting drawing. Soon you reach tower, it twist like a gigantic serpent looking as it grew up from a dark plane. It is an opening at the base of the tower. It is approximately twenty feet high and ten feet across and seems to be the only opening into the structure. The interior is shrouded in shadows. The path leading to the entrance is narrow and slopes on both sides. You make a pause a couple of hundred feet from the opening and Charles is examining one of the rocks protruding along the path. "This rock is pure Obsidian. I wonder if the Tower is of the same material?" |
Please read the within the fortress, or go back to the table of contents.