The Time trap
The Meat plant, 1800, Wednesday, 3rd December 1921.There is a thin layer of snow on the grown and it is blowing a chilly wind. The facility lies on the banks of the river. It is a completely industrial area, with factories billowing black smoke from their chimneys. The site of Rhodes' lab used to be McMurphy meat packing plant, and a sign at the entrance still attests to this fact. McMurphy's was shut down by the Health Department, after failing a number of health inspections. The plant is now the epitome of industrial waste.
Penny shivers at the sight of the withdrawn stick. "I wonder how cold it is within the darkness?" She pauses for a moment and adds, "Maybe we should experiment further. Perhaps pieces of a living plant or maybe we could use a piece of beef or such to place in the void? I think it also would be extremely helpful if we could find an industrial type thermometer. Also we could use a pail of water on the end of a pole or such and see how quickly it would freeze." Her mind seems to race through many such ideas as she awaits a reply from the others.
Charles says, "A good idea. Lady Natasha, maybe you have a bottle of perfume. Perfume has a low point of freezing. We could attach the ….."
Charles abruptly stop to talk because there is a short intensive light and the void has disappeared and the missing lab has taken its place. You can see the cracks in the structure where the returning lab adjoins the stable building. The lab is fully materialized and the door is slightly ajar. The windows are boarded up. The place is silent.
Natasha seems even more confused when the laboratory suddenly returns, she was saying "Yes, I have some ...", then suddenly it came back. Natasha blinks briefly, then she looks from the frozen stick to the laboratory and says "More devilry, I think we should be very careful". There is a slight worried frown on her face, as if she is beginning to realise that there might be more to this than she thought.
Doc speaks "Now, it looks like the lab was not affected by the instant freeze we saw on the stick. The effect could be a one-time effect or just alternative between the darkness and what we see now. I think we should study the exact border first." Doc goes over to where the darkness was without entering the area that it was in and examines the building. It would appear that the sphere has slized precisely in the building. Doc notes that the cut isn't clean any longer, since the edge on the permanent building has somewhat collapsed due to disappearance of the supporting walls.
Standing close to the building, Doc hears a low and nearly undetectable humming from inside the building. Doc retreats a few steps, deciding it isn't wise to stand intersection of the sphere, should it return. Doc speaks "Interesting, apparently whatever caused that sphere of darkness, sliced the sphere contained in it away, and something happened to bring it back. I have also noticed a hum coming from inside the lab. Possibly what caused it to happen. I do not know if it is a one-time effect or repeats. We had better watch a while and see what happens."
A few minutes pass.
As they wait Natasha huddles her fur coat around her tightly, and then she pulls out a cigarette and places it in an amber cigarette holder. She stands still for a moment waiting for someone to light it for. Penny gives Doc a little push in his side, before he notices and lights the cigarette.
When lit you notice that the smoke smells much stronger than that from American cigarettes. As the countess stands there she comments "If this is a time-machine imagine what could be done ...", she has a dreamy expression of her face. She then shakes it off and says "Well, that black sphere has not returned, and it does not seem like what was inside there was injured so maybe ..." She hesitates, then she says "Gentlemen, I hope you do not think me too forward, but if you do not go in there I think I will". She seems quite determined, and unless someone prevents her, or goes in before her, she will indeed go inside to investigate.
Penny's face shows mild surprise as the Countess begins to enter the area of the former void. The young student makes no movement towards it and remains transfixed on the 'crack' in the floors and walls where the boundary of the sphere once was. "Doc," she says. "Should we tie a rope or something similar around her before she enters? Just in case the void returns or the floor falls away under her feet." Penny points to the areas of the walls and floor that caved in due to the sphere. "There could be structural damage that may make the floor and ceiling unstable."
Doc replies, "It would not work across the sphere, it would be severed if it returned. However, it does make sense to those who go in together so that if the floor collapses, serious harm may be averted. I would recommend proceeding slowing and checking floors and walls for stability before trusting them. I believe that we need to find out what that humming is coming from. I am prepared to go in with the Countess. Anyone else?"
Natasha nods, then she says "Yes that does make sense Doctor", she smiles slightly and slowly exhales the smoke from her cigarette while holding it and the amber cigarette holder gently in her right hand, then he says "Ah yes quite an adventure, I must say this is exciting". She then gently pushes the door open and says "Doctors, I think that there is some rope in the trunk of my automobile, you can ask my chauffeur for it"
"Wait, until we are roped before entering, I will go get my chest and you rope as well." Doc turns and walks toward where the car was parked.
When Doc fetches the rope, the chauffeur asks, "What is going on?" "I am getting supplies." Doc answers.
"Do you need my assistance?" "Help me get the supplies out from the car. I can manage from there."
The chauffeur does as he is told and then, again, asks, "Should I call for help?" "We are checking out the laboratory and decided to take some precautions. We do not need help at this time."
"Will you be long?" "I expect that we should be done within an hour", Doc answers
A few minutes later.
Whatever else you can say about her she certainly has courage, if no one else objects Lady Boyarova walks up to the door, open it (although she will pull out a handkerchief to touch the doorknob, just in case) and look inside. Then she shouts (sort of) "Hello, anyone there?" She is met with silence, except from the humming, which she also can hear now.
"Perhaps only one person should go inside, after all the structure has been weakened", Lady Boyarova looks at Dr Cochroft and Doc Slade, with an inquisitive glance. She is also smoking heavily throughout, she however says, "This is quite fascinating", she seems to be excited by this adventure, yet somewhat numbed by the succession of impossible events.
Doc says, "Wait, let me first attached this rope to you. We'll stand in the door opening holding on to it. Take care lady."
Countess Boyarova enters the room, but all of you have a full view of it from the doorstep. The main feature of the lab is a large brass globe with pipes and wires protruding from it. These pipes and wires are connected to gauges and meters of all sorts; a very mind-boggling array. The globe is roughly five feet in circumference. Though it doesn't deem to be connected to any power source, you can barely hear a low humming sound emanating from the globe. There is a control panel in front of the globe with switches and buttons, though none are marked.
Six large symbols have been painted at various points along the walls of the building. They are strange, mystic symbols. Each rune is about two feet wide and three feet tall. There is a large desk near the wall. It is covered with all sorts of papers. There is a heavy door set in the right wall.
Countess Boyarova says to the others, "I think the structure is robust, you can come in." Doc is the next to enter the room, treading carefully, ready to flee the lab immediately at first sign of any anomalousity. Countess Boyarova unfasten herself from the rope and open the heavy door, leading to was once a large freezer. She has no trouble doing this as the hinges have been noticeably oiled. In this room you find a small bed, a lamp, an ice box, and a small tub of water. This is the professor's living quarters.
Charles is the first to point out the obvious fact, "It appears that the professor is not here. I suggest that we search this place thoroughly as to discover any clues that he may have left behind. Doc, you will go over his notes, and try to find a diary or a journal. Penny, you will investigate globe, or that machine, and try to establish whether that, thing, is still working. Lady Boyarova, you and I will search the rest of this room and the lab for any items or clues."
Natasha seems most dubious about all the things in the laboratory, she points at the dark brown material staining the walls of the professors quarters "What is this", she says, she seems a bit disconcerted by it's colour and then adds "Perhaps it is dried blood, from when this was a abattoir's freezer, what do you think Mr Cochroft?" She turns to face him all the while changing her cigarette, she appears to smoke a lot when she is nervous or exited.
Penny tries to grasp the complexity of the machine, but is completely out of her depth. She is careful not to touch the buttons or turn the switches.
Doc's desk is covered with all sorts of paper. Most are equations and plans for the 'Generator'. Looking through the chaotic pile for half an hour uncover Rhodes' journal. There has not been a new entry for two weeks. The last entries of the journal indicate nothing out of the ordinary. Doc finds a drawing of an odd tower. Unopened letters also rest on top of the desk. Finally, some $500 dollars in cash can be found in the bottom drawer along with Rhodes' identification and contract to lease this building. The professor's desk offers no other clues as to his whereabouts. Penny hears the words 'mathematical formula' and her senses alight. "May I see it?" Doc hands it to Penny remarking, "I cannot comprehend what this means. Light having an incredible finite speed." | ![]() |
The Professor's notes |
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Doc comments when he sees the Tower, "That's do not look natural to me. I wonder where it is." Doc is passing the drawing around and asks what people think about it. Natasha actually crosses herself, even though she frowns when she notices that she did it, then she says "That looks like a scene from hell, I have certainly never seem anything like that in nature, but I have never heard of any architect that could build something like that". She pauses, looks closer and then says, "Look at the strange inscriptions on these stone ... pillars?" She points at the carvings visible in the stones in the forefront. She mutters something, then she says "Who knows, maybe it is some deviltry, for all we know it is a drawing of a part of this crazy machine". She appears a bit frustrated, some of it is fear, and although she does her best to maintain her outwards calm. She does look to Charles and Doc to see if they have a solution, in fact she seems rather pleading. ----- Near 30 minutes has passed since entering the lab. Doc is still studying the notes, but the rest of you have exhausted your searches, and are waiting for Doc to find more interesting facts, not knowing what to do. Charles is doing the living quarters over again, when he notices the item. On the room's ceiling is a strange elongated and shiny object, about three feet long, with small leg like protrusions. Penny remains near the door reading looking over the paper Doc handed her. Concentrating with all her might she is unable to decipher its strange purpose. Taking her eyes away from the sheet she looks into the room and sees her companions looking up to the ceiling at the strange object. She surrenders to the notes and formulas, acknowledging the fact that this is a field of science, yet, unknown to her. However, from the facts that Penny already have on this, professor Rhodes, it is clear that this is about the properties of time and time travel. Natasha also looks up at the strange object, she mutters something, then she says "Either it came back with the black hole, or that is something that belongs to the machine ..." She shivers slightly again, despite being inside of her thick fur coat, then she says "Perhaps Doctors, Miss Pritchard, we should take what we can from this place and go somewhere safer to study it? I mean perhaps you can make more sense out of things with the help of some scientists and reference books". |
Doc looks up from the notes and notices what everyone is looking at, "Let me examine it closer" he states as he pulls his magnifying glass out of his pocket and walks over to take a close look at it. Doc is careful not to touch he object. "Fascinating. This is unlike anything I have ever seen or heard of before. If I hadn't known better, I would have said that this is an overgrown centipede of some kind. I would have liked to studied this further at a later occasion, but Natasha is right, we should take the notes and papers to study later and get away from this place."
Natasha flinches at the use of her unadorned name, she does NOT like it and she says, "Dr Slade." She calms down and goes on in a pleasant voice as she says "Dr Slade Russian custom allows calling someone by their own name and that of their father, in my case Natasha Mikhailovna, use of a unadorned first name is considered very rude". She pauses and then says "In America unfortunately this is so hard to understand, so most of the time I insist on being called Lady Boyarova".
Doc turns to the Countess and states, "I am not used to your customs, Lady Boyarova, nor to high society and I apologize for offending you. I am accustomed to using familiar names with those I work with, particularly on investigations, where a few seconds may make a difference."
Natasha says "Do not worry about it Dr Slade, you Americans are simply less formal than Russians are, I accept your gracious apology", she actually smiles trying to blot things over.
"I'm uneasy, let's leave this lab. Didn't you feel it, a while ago." The others look at Charles questioningly, but not without a little presentiment of what has happened. Charles heads for and opens the door. The surrounding landscape is utterly desolate. The dark plain of cooled lava stretches to the horizon in every direction. Scanning the plains reveals some giant structure in the distance, silhouetted against the reddish sky. The structure appears to be the subject of the drawing found on Rhode's desk. It is a strange and alien building, twisting like some behemoth serpent up into the sky almost 200 feet. Though the great structure appears clearly, it is quite a long way away.
Please wait for the Journey to the Tower, or go back to the table of contents.